Scam warning.

Reaction score
England, Norfolk
I have already given a warning sometime ago about viruses and suspicious links but today I fell for one. I was contacted by a group I knew very well for giveaways known for short as Warrior Navy. A bot disguised as a legitimate prize bot contacted me and sent me a link for a code to a CSGO skin.

Stupid me fell for it and downloaded the file in seconds my steam shut itself down and the task manager shut itself down also. I knew I was fucked so I went into downloads and found the file which I checked with Avast and found that it was well protected. I tried to delete the file but it was running and refuse to shut off so I remembered the one thing of any program. It needs time to start up.

Knowing this I restarted my computer and deleted the file before it stopped me then there was nothing it could do to stop me. As for the guy sending this bot out which was striking everyone in the group here is a message and one for you guys first. Dont trust anything no matter how convincing it is or you could lose more than you think.

The guy who programmed the bot and made the virus.

Fuck you and get a life.