Section 2: Rights of Citizens


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North East
Is this a new law or a change to a current law: Both really

What law do you wish to change/add: Rework the entirety of Section 2 of the laws to be about the rights of citizens within paralake

Section 2: Right to Self Defence and Necessity Any action performed under this section that is contrary to the law that results or is likely to result in death or injury of a person, or damage to property or possessions must be reported to emergency services as soon as it is practicable to do so.

2.1 Self Defence and the Defence of Others Any person may use a justifiable amount of force proportionate to a threat if they reasonably believe that such force would prevent injury, death or the loss of property or possessions.

2.2 Necessity If a person reasonably believes that acting in a way contrary to any law is necessary to prevent injury, death or the loss of property they do not act unlawfully given that their actions are justifiable and proportionate.

I am currently not 100% certain on the changes, the suggestion I am making is so broad that I feel more discussion should be had regarding it.

This is just my idea, but here goes:

Reformed law 2.1 Right to Exception - A citizen may act in a way contradicting current law providing that their actions are necessary and proportionate to prevent injury, death or loss of property. After doing so citizens must contact authorities at the first opportunity to do so.

I believe there should also be another law added, clarifying right to a supervisor (I realize this exists but a law would be nice anyway,)

New law 2.2 Right to a Supervisor - Any person has the right to a supervisor at any point during their detainment. If there is no supervisor available, a citizen has the right to request a different officer come and review the situation, providing they are higher rank that the detaining officer.

New law 2.3 Right to Information - At any time during an investigation, a detained citizen has a right to request an officer's name and rank, which must be provided. Additionally, citizens have a right to request justification for any incarceration, which also must be provided. although not immediately.

Why should this change/addition be made: The change to 2.1 honestly just compiles the two laws into one.

Citizens needs rights, and stuff like this might add some clarity and ease up on the salt.

What is the aim of this change/addition: Giving citizens some rights. The meme that citizens have no rights has gone too far.

Additional Information:
Additionally, citizens have a right to request justification for any incarceration, which also must be provided.

triggered criminal: "WHY AM I BEING DETAINED?"
cop: murder
*officer gets shot*

no, thanks
Giving citizens some rights. The meme that citizens have no rights has gone too far.
Now i can no longer say that their only right is to shut the fuck up :(

While rights are needed they really shouldnt be cancer, which will just annoy cops with sovereign citizens
New law 2.2 Right to a Supervisor - Any person has the right to a supervisor at any point during their detainment. If there is no supervisor available, a citizen has the right to request a different officer come and review the situation, providing they are higher rank that the detaining officer.

Laws are made for everyone to follow, and that law isn't really something for a citizen to follow isn't it? So I'd rather keep it in the policies if the PD and not a law as it isn't really necessary
Laws are made for everyone to follow, and that law isn't really something for a citizen to follow isn't it? So I'd rather keep it in the policies if the PD and not a law as it isn't really necessary

No, it is law, it outlines the rights therein. Laws aren’t just ‘you can’t do this’, or ‘gotta do this’ etc. Besides, having rights grounded in law (at least in my point of view) means it’s taken far more seriously.
You're the net neutrality guy of perp. Basically if civilians have the right to information they can ask you about raids that will happen. Already being a cop and trying to get a guy out by making it seem like a low ticket will get you shot, so no thank you. We do not need this and it is unneccesary.
The right to a supervisor is already a thing just inside policies which you should already know. Any officer breaching laws or policies can be removed from that position so I don't really see a need. And the another officer thing is just bulls**t. Why would you want another officer to deal with it. Supervisors are there since they know the law more in depth while officers do not. Therefore that would be even worse for the officers and even more time consuming
You're the net neutrality guy of perp. Basically if civilians have the right to information they can ask you about raids that will happen. Already being a cop and trying to get a guy out by making it seem like a low ticket will get you shot, so no thank you. We do not need this and it is unneccesary.
The right to a supervisor is already a thing just inside policies which you should already know. Any officer breaching laws or policies can be removed from that position so I don't really see a need. And the another officer thing is just bulls**t. Why would you want another officer to deal with it. Supervisors are there since they know the law more in depth while officers do not. Therefore that would be even worse for the officers and even more time consuming

Lol u didnt even read it
New law 2.3 Right to Information - At any time during an investigation, a detained citizen has a right to request an officer's name and rank, which must be provided. Additionally, citizens have a right to request justification for any incarceration, which also must be provided. although not immediately.
They find out anyways when they get arrested. And any decent officer will speak to people before arresting them.
Turning police policy into law is a very stupid idea. Any police command member in the entire world could tell you that, and for the simple reason of: it would be impossible to change/revert.

Police policy should be just what it is, policy. Those are not what would be considered fundamental rights...
Turning police policy into law is a very stupid idea. Any police command member in the entire world could tell you that, and for the simple reason of: it would be impossible to change/revert.

Police policy should be just what it is, policy. Those are not what would be considered fundamental rights...

Stop being wrong.

//Mobile ahahahahahah
I believe this is needed, honestly. Even though half of this is already police policy it should be within the civilians rights.

I've seen a lot of officers fail to do these things. Would love to see it in the penal code.
Actually. Nowhere around the world are policies laws. I mean officer's policies count as well as your laws... so if an officer fails to do so he gets demoted....
In my eyes there shouldn't be a law that requires someone as a police officer to give you a supervisor, often they are not actually able to respond ending up in someone being detained unlawfully as they've been detained for a longer period, this should only be something that is heavily suggested for an officer to ask in their radio if a supervisor is requested; they should do so. The reason for this is because I myself who has been called to many situations where someone has asked for a supervisor I go there and get told the story by the officer and just "Yeah, arrest him" Which is mostly useless and takes up time. A lot of times I've told people over the radio once someone has been asking for a supervisor to deny the request and make an IA complaint on me as we need the resources somewhere else, making it a law isn't something that in my eyes will help.
The cops would arrest you for killing someone even under self-defense, why you making it hard for yourself and making this xD. no one gives a fuck for the citizen lmao
-1 In the handbook it states that if no supervisor is avalible,None on duty or they are denied one then they dont get one, simple as that!

New law 2.2 Right to a Supervisor - Any person has the right to a supervisor at any point during their detainment. If there is no supervisor available, a citizen has the right to request a different officer come and review the situation, providing they are higher rank that the detaining officer. No thank you.
-1 In the handbook it states that if no supervisor is avalible,None on duty or they are denied one then they dont get one, simple as that!

New law 2.2 Right to a Supervisor - Any person has the right to a supervisor at any point during their detainment. If there is no supervisor available, a citizen has the right to request a different officer come and review the situation, providing they are higher rank that the detaining officer. No thank you.
Laws should not replace department policy... There is a reason that it is a policy and not a law, it would be too idiotic to enforce at times.
I agree with this fully I get randomly arrested and go what am I going in for boys and they go you don't need to know yea right to information would be good and reassuring new players that read rules they can get a supervisor if 1 is in duty as I didn't even know that for a week after joining I just screamed cunt at all the cops