Security Cameras

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Topic: Civillian CCTV

Short explanation (in notes):
- Security Cameras for players to craft/buy to place in their homes for added security
- A monitor to watch the CCTV through

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I believe players need some extra security for their homes, with there being a lot of crimes that go on in paralake, it makes a lot of people wary about leaving their house in fear of it being broken into. With this added it could help people out a lot and also help the police out. For example; A player has a security camera up and his house is broken into whilst he is not home, he comes home to find all of his belongings are gone, he can then check his cctv footage and then show the police the footage, this would help the police to capture criminals and also help people defend their homes. I think many others may agree with me that security cameras would be an amazing addon for civillians, and I do hope people agree!

Optional additions:
- A Monitor to watch the footage live when your home
- Being able to watch the camera footage live through an app on your phone
- Being able to replay footage from a certain time as evidence for the police, take still images
- Maybe Fuse boxes on houses that could be destroyed to disable the cameras inside
- EMP device to disable the cameras

EDIT - added some more to additional additions
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Seriously though, Jordan has talks about working on registered security companies, and this could really influence the RP from the security side. It MAY also make some users want to be more stealthy when it comes to raiding, avoiding cameras and such. While we're on this topic, I think you should add on the ability to shoot out the cameras, as to remove evidence on yourself and/or keep a low-profile.

I'd like to see dis.​
I feel like this would just be used by criminals for precision wall banging. If it was implemented in a way in which this wasn't possible then I'd be fine with it but otherwise I don't want it added.
Love the idea, and the entire concept of it. Here's how I'd plan my one out though. What I'd like to see is the ability for the cameras to be disabled in some way - I have gathered some ways here:
  • An EMP grenade disables the cameras and working lights inside the building
  • The power is cut out due to a problem in the fuse box (must be checked out, and fixed either by: A) A qualified technician or B) An idiot who knows nothing about anything
  • Cameras' have taken too much damage
If you'd like to add any to that list - please do so using the comment feature!

Also; what I'd like to see is - A monitor with the ability to move the CCTV camera in all directions (if possible), and the ability to save a frame. Meaning the camera flashes a light and it saves a picture which can be viewed.

Maybe different types of cameras?
PLSC (Paralake Security Cameras)
With different functions for each one!
I don't think this would work. You'd just see raiders and police being wallbanged 24/7 because of crafty as fuck camera spots.
No thanks. This would be abused way to much, honestly the gamemode is getting closer and closer to it being balanced between cops and criminals (finally) and I would not want criminals to be given another stupid advantage. Yes it could be cool for a type of roleplaying style but it would end up in people looking through their camera then shoot the fuck out of it. Also what do you mean EMP device? Do you even know what an EMP does?
I +Support this suggestion HOWEVER my touch on this to rid of the "precision wall banging" is that ANY apartment building i.e. regals/slums (Wall-bang heaven) cannot have camera outside as the stairway is property of Paralake Bank so any changes to this CANNOT be added however for private homes/Buisiness' (Except Bazaar shop exteriors) can have them reason for inside bazaar shops is there is a Police CCTV which covers straight down the bazaar path
This is going way off topic; EMP grenades and fuse boxes? The concept is there and if done right it could actually be really good however I see this being used by criminals to wallbang and such as already highlighted. Cops often use surprise to attempt to beat the people who massively outgun them. Imagine if I could use CCTV to wallbang while using a M82.

Its a good concept but I don't think it will work.
Bad idea. Take a regals apartment as an example, you set up a camera facing the door and you could wall bang everyone who goes to lockpick it or SWAT placing c2. Imagine 5 people all shooting exactly where someone is bobby pinning the door. It would be impossible to raid without explosives. -Support
I feel as though this would be good, but they should be pre-placed and maybe i don't know you pay the bank extra for access to them, this would stop the wall bang thing because they would be pre placed in area's where you wouldn't need to wall bang, as there would be windows where people could look in, etc, overall this gets a:


from me
Rather than fancy EMP grenades, why not make it so flash bangs disable the lens or something? Or that shooting them out makes like a fuzzy image of what's happening.

I'd love fuse boxes so that Chow (and friends) can just fuck about even more than they already can xoxo
I'm not sure what I should say about this, but going for neutral now.
House/Apartment/Shop owners will definitely abuse this and wallbang the shit out of the police if they see them over their CCTV.
Honestly the gamemode is getting closer and closer to it being balanced between cops and criminals (finally) and I would not want criminals to be given another stupid advantage
I totally gotta agree with Daymon over here. Giving Criminals another extremely high advantage would break the fine balance between cops and criminals.
I would most likely support it if only the police could see them (of course those CCTV cameras have to be set up and registered and they may only be recorded from the police if the owner of the property gave permission to do so.) Otherwise no.
I used to admin on a PERP server where this was allowed and possible and i'll tell you it wasn't used as an "RP tool" it was used solely to find out if they were being raided and used to wall bang people 90% of the time. I think that you guys should follow Skudist's model and allow the government to have access to this but make it illegal for citizens to have or follow the security company model which Jordan is thinking about and allow them to have access to such equipment.
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