Server Suggestion Self enforcing 3.18

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Suggestion Title: Self enforcing 3.18
Suggestion Description:
This idea aims to stop combat storing, but allow taking items out.
A property's doors that have been crowbarred, bobby pinned or bombed will have its storage chest temporarily restricted for the next 5-10 minutes, unless the front door has re-spawned, been closed and locked by anyone with keys to the property.
Typically, a property that has locked its front door again is not really being raided anymore considering they're likely dead, unless the raiders left inexplicably, but intend to come back for another attempt.

This affects only the property that is being raided, meaning that if your slums apartment is being raided, you're not restricted if you're at projex.

The following items cannot be stored during this time:
- Any firearms & melee weapons.
- Any equippable/usable items related to a raid or shootout. (crowbars, bobby pins, grenades)
- Any drugs. (meth, coke, weed, shrooms)
- Any & all chemical table related items. (distillation kits, beakers, pyrex dishes)

Why should this be added?:
- Reduces 3.18 violations, less strain on staff.
- A self-enforcing system means more fair raids for raiders, who already risk their life and equipment by having to force their way through bullet storms to get to the raid goal; weapons and drugs. Most raiders also commonly lose, so this would reduce the frustration of having a bothced raid because someone decided to store their weapons and pull out a double barrel instead, and also store their drugs in the process.

What negatives could this have?:
- It's entirely possible that my list is missing items that can be stored, but either mugged, dropped or otherwise looted from a raid.
- This idea as proposed doesn't cover every angle in preventing 3.18 violations. A door that respawns after being blown off its hinges, and/or otherwise closed and locked does not mean the raid is over. Raiders could still be outside when this happens, but because of the way I proposed this idea, the storage would be unrestricted once the door is locked.
- Idea could have other flaws that I am not yet aware of. But on paper this seems like a good idea.
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3.18 speaks about storing stuff to save it from being stolen, but what about taking out a firearm out of a storage trunk to get a weapon for defence? If the storage box was fully locked the players could not get any guns/ammoboxes/magazines out of it aswell.
3.18 speaks about storing stuff to save it from being stolen, but what about taking out a firearm out of a storage trunk to get a weapon for defence? If the storage box was fully locked the players could not get any guns/ammoboxes/magazines out of it aswell.
This idea specifically covers storing items, not withdrawing. You can pull out anything you want, but once it's out, it's part of the raid.
Additionally, a list of items is in the idea, which covers what items you cannot put into storage. The storage chest is restricted, not locked.
We already do this when bleeding, Might be a good idea to add this in relation to combat
thanks for clarifying, now when I know everything I like the idea, also will help police, as Ive seen many, many situations, where new players were storing during a police raid.
We already do this when bleeding, Might be a good idea to add this in relation to combat
This idea was made knowing that the bleeding part was already a thing, this is meant to cover raids specifically, in local areas.
I've listed a specific circumstance when this would happen. The door must have been broken open, and since you already have a system in place to prevent the door from being locked immediately after, the storage chest will be unrestricted once you close and lock the door when able.

To clarify, this is not the be all, end all of preventing 3.18 violations. This will prevent most of it. Once people lock and close the door, they can store again, but that doesn't mean the raid is over necessarily. It's entirely possible for the door to re-spawn and get locked again by defenders mid-raid, before the raiders even make it inside.
I'll add it to the list of negatives as I've only just realized this.
I agree on this. The only problem I can see is what happens if you're in the menu and suddenly its pinned. Will it still let you, will it block you, or what? Because then in that case you die with drugs on you.

Other than that great idea.
I agree on this. The only problem I can see is what happens if you're in the menu and suddenly its pinned. Will it still let you, will it block you, or what? Because then in that case you die with drugs on you.

Other than that great idea.
I mean, if the door gets bobbied open, the storage will just stop you from putting anything in. What do you mean?
This idea is great but whilst it's being looked at probably would be easier to just restrict all deposits because most items are mug-able anyway. I don't see why only restrict certain items when players should not be depositing during a raid in any circumstance to begin with.
I mean, if the door gets bobbied open, the storage will just stop you from putting anything in. What do you mean?
Like if you're in the menu and while in the menu the bobby pinning begins. What would it do and what should you do? Are you forced to drop the drugs on your person or what as they were picked up before the raid began.
This idea is great but whilst it's being looked at probably would be easier to just restrict all deposits because most items are mug-able anyway. I don't see why only restrict certain items when players should not be depositing during a raid in any circumstance to begin with.
That shouldn't be the case.
There are certain categories where exchanging items would be beneficial to the defenders to a reasonable extent.
People have occasionally reached their category limit for "Other" because they're carrying a flashlight, a phone and 28 wrenches before the raid started, because they were fixing their own car and even friends cars. Putting the wrenches away to get bandages, stim packs & a splint is more than reasonable for the situation. This is something that isn't done with malicious intent, but rather for the benefit of the defender in a reasonable setting in accordance with 3.6. These items can also be mugged off you if you end up surrendering, or somehow get revived by a medic that the raiders took hostage.

Additionally, hitting the category limit for magazines & ammo is an issue for defenders. If they end up pulling the wrong gun out of storage accidentally with 15 magazines for a different gun, should they just accept defeat?

I've swapped out things in my "Other" category so I could get bandages plenty of times, and most of the time these items being swapped out are of equal value.

Like if you're in the menu and while in the menu the bobby pinning begins. What would it do and what should you do? Are you forced to drop the drugs on your person or what as they were picked up before the raid began.
If you get revived by a medic that the raiders took hostage, then mugged, yeah, just drop the items. I've specifically stated that the door has to be opened by any of the above methods. (bobby pins, crowbars, bombs or c2)
Storage won't be restricted until the door is open, for simplicity. It'd be annoying as fuck to have some dumbass crowbar the door once on purpose to limit you for 10 minutes.
What you should do? Follow 3.18 when you hear a bobby pin or crowbar, and you're aware that a raid is about to happen. The storage getting restricted after the door is opened is just a measure put in place to prevent those who were unprepared to store their guns and drugs in the seconds before the door gets broken open.
If you harvested moments before you became aware of an incoming raid, just keep it on your person like you normally do. If you get revived by a hostage medic, and get mugged, you do what you normally do in a mugging.
That shouldn't be the case.
There are certain categories where exchanging items would be beneficial to the defenders to a reasonable extent.
People have occasionally reached their category limit for "Other" because they're carrying a flashlight, a phone and 28 wrenches before the raid started, because they were fixing their own car and even friends cars. Putting the wrenches away to get bandages, stim packs & a splint is more than reasonable for the situation. This is something that isn't done with malicious intent, but rather for the benefit of the defender in a reasonable setting in accordance with 3.6. These items can also be mugged off you if you end up surrendering, or somehow get revived by a medic that the raiders took hostage.

Additionally, hitting the category limit for magazines & ammo is an issue for defenders. If they end up pulling the wrong gun out of storage accidentally with 15 magazines for a different gun, should they just accept defeat?

I've swapped out things in my "Other" category so I could get bandages plenty of times, and most of the time these items being swapped out are of equal value.

If you get revived by a medic that the raiders took hostage, then mugged, yeah, just drop the items. I've specifically stated that the door has to be opened by any of the above methods. (bobby pins, crowbars, bombs or c2)
Storage won't be restricted until the door is open, for simplicity. It'd be annoying as fuck to have some dumbass crowbar the door once on purpose to limit you for 10 minutes.
What you should do? Follow 3.18 when you hear a bobby pin or crowbar, and you're aware that a raid is about to happen. The storage getting restricted after the door is opened is just a measure put in place to prevent those who were unprepared to store their guns and drugs in the seconds before the door gets broken open.
If you harvested moments before you became aware of an incoming raid, just keep it on your person like you normally do. If you get revived by a hostage medic, and get mugged, you do what you normally do in a mugging.
Fair enough on the 2nd one then I'm happy with that answer.
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