Senlin - apology

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Reaction score
United Kingdom
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: CONSOLE
How long were you banned for: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Senlin
Your In-game Name: Robin Sen
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:58843053

Why were you banned/blacklisted: ‘ALT account’ – was actually my main – will be explained in my apology.
Why should this appeal be considered: Hey everyone, as it was so long ago I’m unsure if anyone who plays will know who I am. The appeal is about my ban and not myself so I’ll keep it short but I feel I should give a little bit of context. I started playing on this server back in 2013 when this game mode was new to the game and used to play daily for over two years. I’m 19 now which made me around 12-13 when I first joined back then. I managed to work my way up into the staff team before resigning from moderator pretty quickly after gaining the rank as I didn’t feel ready. After this period, I didn’t play the server as much for many reasons which was when things took a turn for the worse.

Towards the end of 2015 (when I got banned) there was a glitch going around that would give you large amounts of money for little effort, this resulted in some people suddenly having the likes of Bugatti Veyron’s etc. Although it’s no excuse, I used this opportunity to join in and as I didn’t know the glitch, I logged into a different account and downloaded the first public gmod hack I could find which rightfully got me banned before I could even join the server. This is what resulted in my main account getting banned as an ‘ALT’.

At the time, when I appealed I created a fake excuse that the server was lagging and that it was the games fault and not my own. This is not true and as I’ve grown up, I’ve learnt to be honest and take responsibility for my own actions. For this reason, I would like to apologise to the staff whose time I would’ve wasted at the time and to any players who may have been affected by my actions. I was wrong and would love another chance to play on the server again after all this time. I would love to see the new changes made to the server and would love to meet the new players and staff in the community that I have not yet met. Once again, I apologise for any problems caused, I am aware of what I have done and would love another chance.

Additional Comment(s): I am not expected to be unbanned as I know that these types of actions are usually not tolerated, however I am appealing as it has nearly been 5 years since my ban and I am aware of the mass unbans that have happened since. I would like the same opportunity as I have become a completely different person since then. I’ve seen that the server has had many changes since I’ve last played and I’d love to see what’s been added! I’m also happy to make myself available to speak to those who I may have bad blood with or left on bad terms with, I’d love to make it up or at least settle any differences. Thanks.
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