Suggestion Title: Server Wipe
Suggestion Description: Wipe EVERYTHING Excluding ranks. People play on the server and get into gun fights constantly because they have NOTHING to loose. People dont care about losing items due to real consequence as they are like max lvl weapons has over a mil. Its like a millionaire RP, people give new players like 500k because they can and making the server not fun for new people as they get it all given to them.
Seeing everyone selling guns / items to gain levels from fresh and re creating the classic moments of when you first started the server.
There is a 90% That this ill get denied and or downvoted to the ground but it is worth a try as people dont care anymore and shoot anything the see. Not going to name names people intentionally cop bait into gun fights because are like max lvl and rich AF so they dont need to worry about guns / items.
Why should this be added?:
- More players daily
- New beginning
- People value items/life
- Mini Cooper
- Not seeing AK's on every corner
What negatives could this have?:
- Mini Cooper
- Community downvote (People dont like starting again but will get people grinding)
Useful Images: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....277/7C5B5AEF05FF9DA1492BD61650979B2367146C72/
Suggestion Description: Wipe EVERYTHING Excluding ranks. People play on the server and get into gun fights constantly because they have NOTHING to loose. People dont care about losing items due to real consequence as they are like max lvl weapons has over a mil. Its like a millionaire RP, people give new players like 500k because they can and making the server not fun for new people as they get it all given to them.
Seeing everyone selling guns / items to gain levels from fresh and re creating the classic moments of when you first started the server.
There is a 90% That this ill get denied and or downvoted to the ground but it is worth a try as people dont care anymore and shoot anything the see. Not going to name names people intentionally cop bait into gun fights because are like max lvl and rich AF so they dont need to worry about guns / items.
Why should this be added?:
- More players daily
- New beginning
- People value items/life
- Mini Cooper
- Not seeing AK's on every corner
What negatives could this have?:
- Mini Cooper
- Community downvote (People dont like starting again but will get people grinding)
Useful Images: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....277/7C5B5AEF05FF9DA1492BD61650979B2367146C72/