Seventh Sanctum Application's

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This is the application thread for the "Seventh Sanctum" Organisation.
Please reply to this thread using the format provided.
Any applications that do not follow the format will be immediately denied.

OOC Info:

Do you have a microphone?:

What is your current game time?:
Any recent bans/warnings in the past 30 days?:

If yes then applicants should state what rule it was for and the date of issue. If it is a ban then applicants should also state how long the ban was issued. Failure to state and bans/warnings and any officers+ find out, will be led into punishment. Please also remember that anyone can see another players bans and so if you are suspected of lying it wont take much to find out.

IC Info:
Firearms skill:
Give us a brief back story to your character:

What car(s) do you own? (If you do)

Why should we let you join?

What makes us want you instead of other applicants?

Thank you for taking the time and interest to apply to "Seventh Sanctum'"
We look forward to your applications and good luck.

Applications are OPEN

Last edited:

OOC Info:

Name: George Johnson
Age: 17
Country: Portugal
Time-zone: GMT +0
Do you have a microphone?: Yes
How active are you on the server?: I'm always active (TS3 (sometimes); Forums (always); Server (always)
Steam Name (Optional):

IC Info:

Name: George Johnson
Age: 24
Country: United States of America (USA)
Firearms skill: 52
What car do you own? Dodge Charger SRT8 (Green, Upgraded 2x)

Why should we let you join? I think that you should let me join, as I'm a good guy that cares about their organisation / friends, I'm sociable and friendly. I always do my best!

What skills can you bring to The Seventh Sanctum? Good Shooter, Planner.

What makes you stand out compared to other applicants? Well I don't have too much to say about that as no one is better than anyone, everyone is the same and we must live with it, however the only thing that I can say is that I'm good when it comes to follow my superiors.
Copied from last post:

OOC Info:
Name: James/Jack (my nickname)
Age: 17
Country: America
Time-zone: Eastern Time Zone UTC-05:00
Do you have a microphone? Nope
How active are you on the server?: Very active
Steam Name (Optional): Commander Potato

IC Info:

Name: Quinn Columbus
Age: 26
Country: Italy
Firearms skill: Im not sure
What car do you own? (If you do): I own a Volvo Turbo (Black)

Why should we let you join?
I am a very skilled and have a good shot, I am a ex-hit man and have lots of experience in the world of crime.
What skills can you bring to The Seventh Sanctum?
My good shot, my knowledge of crime, my driving, and my experience
What makes you stand out compared to other applicants?

I tend to be a lot wiser than my fellow applicants when it comes to drug runs, raids, and patience.
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