When learning to make renders in Source Filmmaker one aspect that can be considered the (if not, the most) difficult part of rendering is getting your lighting to look good. Just using one light in front of the character isn't enough and will look back so usually you'll have to resort to about 3-6 different lights to make your renders really stand out. This render of Sonic was a practice of my lighting skills by using a standard 4-light setup involving 1 fill light, 1 rim light and 2 key lights as well as volumentric lights in the background to add some more colour and visual flair.
By doing practices focusing on lighting from time-to-time can go a long way to improving future renders so the idea is by practicing these now, future renders of PERP will look more visually stunning and high quality.
I plan to update this thread with lighting render tests from time to time but I also encourage some people who are new to SFM to post their practice renders focusing on lighting here too