Server Suggestion Shady Business

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Suggestion Title: Shady Business
Suggestion Description: Another interpretation on the bank truck robbery idea.

Imagine a chop shop reimagined to be for couriers and legal.

Roleplay story / theme:
Jennifer’s CEO is pissed at people vandalizing his glass and stealing his jewels, he wants to hire a crew using his connections to acquire more jewelry. He sends a contract and waits for the pickup.

Courier must have leveled up at least once in the job by actually doing it and not be a new player to gain this mission.

Minimum of 3 cops

A courier will have an additional option at the job employer NPC to try doing a bank truck delivery once a day per player.

HELP: The one who starts the job may also invite other leveled up couriers to help him guard the truck or do the mission solo through a menu at the NPC that will detect nearby couriers and give them a prompt to join.

Condition: There must be a minimum of cops on to have this option available.

The NPC will explain that a big contract was signed between the business and the city to deliver highly valuable goods.

Upon request of the job, the courier NPC will spawn a bank truck at the courier warehouse, then reskinned to have guard clothes and be given an MP5. This truck is just as armored as the Brute Van (if not more for balancing).

Courier will drive to a random list of 4 locations consisting of:
Poissons fish, any Fredy Bakeries, Roxie’s, Casino, Unowned Parker Materials, unowned puffer mart, unowned glassco, unowned Morons, Docks, Uncle Cos, Chair store, Furniture Store.

With the last drop off being XQ bank or City Hall as the 5th

The huge variety of possible drop offs make it so it’s difficult to meta game.

Every delivery, the courier will take out 1-3 package(s) and drop it off.

Pay out per package is $5,000 so if the courier team gets 3 on all 5 drop offs they make nearly $75,000 split between them!


Criminals can spot this truck dropping items off. Criminals can try to steal the valuables by zip tying the guards (couriers) or shooting them if they pose a serious threat (in accordance with 2.5).


To steal the valuables. Criminals with access to the drug dealer will all receive a text that a bank truck has been spotted around the city and to refer to the Dark Web to view the new mission that has unlocked called “BANK TRUCK”

Upon activating this mission, the one gets it will be texted a code to invite more people. Each person will get an equal split so the more invites, the less money outcome.

Disabling the truck by bomb or gunfire will make the trunk accessible to everyone in the dark web mission.

Alternatively they can try to crowbar the back, the crowbar difficulty will be very high but upon completion will also unlock the trunk.

All players can then go to the back and begin taking jewels such as Gold and Diamond or gems.

Once a player accesses the trunk, the contractor will message the players to stay away from the cops for a while (10 minutes), then he will text them a drop off for the stolen goods to a NPC at a hidden location then wait for payout 10 more minutes.

The pay off will be the same as the total the couriers would have got, split between the criminals equally.

Why should this be added?:
- dark web job to add fun
- doesnt teach new players to break rules
- pays legal jobs more well for leveling up
- fun for everyone
- movie style crime

What negatives could this have?:
- a lot to read and implement
- pay needs adjustment maybe, I’m not sure on how bank robbery payout works but a system that increases pay based on difficulty would be better in my opinion. I’m just not sure how it would work so I went with a simpler approach.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: N/A

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