Share your bad jokes

How are black people and tornadoes the same?
It only takes one to ruin a GOOD neighbourhood
Saw a black guy running with a bike
Thought it was mine so i ran back home
To my relief mine was still farming cotton
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What's Forrest Gump's password?

What do you call a shed full of black people?
Antique farm equipment. (sorry)

Why was the stadium so hot?
All the fans left

Where do you put gay fish?
In a Queerium
Who are the fastest readers in the world?
9/11 victims, going through 50 stories in the matter of seconds

What has 8 arms and is really good at farming cotton?
No clue but its probably black
"Today in London a Muslim caused utter terror by mounting a pavement in a car. In other news... Hundreds of Muslims in Rochdale cause utter terror by mounting 9 year old girls in a mosque."

"How long does it take for a black woman to take a shit?"
Nine months.

"What's a pedophile's favorite part of a hockey game?"
Before the First Period.

"What do you call a five year old with no friends?"
A sandy hook survivor.

"What do you call a retarded jew?"
A guy walks into a science bar and asks for H2O, the guy next to him says "Can I get H2O too?". He died.

The bartender thought he said H2O2 which is Hydrogen Peroxide
What do chemists do with their dogs? Barium.
Are you an organ trafficker? Because you just stole my heart.
You suck, your mom does too but she charges.
What's the difference between a man and a squirrel?
a squirrel cracks his nuts or a rock, and a man rocks his nuts on a crack.
An ancient African phrase which is still commonly used these days
"I'm hungry"

Ever tasted Ethiopian food?
Neither have they

Use chemicals to remove polish and nobody blinks an eye
Use chemicals to remove Polish and everyone loses their mind

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