Shit aim Montage (NO MUMBLE RAP)

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More shit clips I found to bung onto movie maker and call a montage.

Please don't enjoy.

Will be reuploading soon in 1080p

Fun things that make it different to other montages:
-Most clips I'm acting alone or with a small amount of backup from friends
-No mumble rap
-I suck
Last edited:
good points
- terrible music
- terrible clips
- terrible quality
- edited in movie maker
- free dog man slim @Brinch

To improve, add an anime opening theme tune or gachi remix. thank u
Nice 2 Rifle Marksmanship dude.

Thanks bro! These clips are mostly old, I am now level 30 something but don't use rifles much (Or even play PERP Much tbh)

Props to you for not having mumble rap but this is shit too

Reuploaded 1080p version will feature your hit single "Just Like Tyla" to appease to the Russian demographic.

Is it only me that would have rather had mumble rap?


To improve, add an anime opening theme tune or gachi remix. thank u

Is Hannah Montana an anime?

wtf is this music?

Ever sniffed glue? This song is kinda like sniffing glue
Thanks bro! These clips are mostly old, I am now level 30 something but don't use rifles much (Or even play PERP Much tbh)

Reuploaded 1080p version will feature your hit single "Just Like Tyla" to appease to the Russian demographic.


Is Hannah Montana an anime?

Ever sniffed glue? This song is kinda like sniffing glue
ur so edgy