shoot the tires

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hey guys i like to rp as a cop and i do in most cases end up in carchases

so i would like to know when is it ok to open fire on a car that is running from you?
ONLY if he is an danger for you or another person, like if he is going towards another officer on foot, you can try to shoot his tires.
If the car is with armed people, bank robbers i BELIEVE you can shoot the tires or shoot the car.
11.11 Right to Use Firearms

LEOs may only use their firearms when a suspect(s) is posing a direct threat to any other member of the public and/or is believed to be intent on harming any other such person(s) (appropriate evidence, as defined under section 10.3, must have been obtained when acting on such a belief).

Officers like to break this law quite often, so take care.
LEOs may only use their firearms when a suspect(s) is posing a direct threat to any other member of the public and/or is believed to be intent on harming any other such person(s) (appropriate evidence, as defined under section 10.3, must have been obtained when acting on such a belief).
You may use your firearm if they are posing a threat to you or people around. If they have failed to pull over for like 5 minutes and they are putting peoples life at risk by driving on sidewalks and passing red lights constantly, then yes.
You may use your firearm if they are posing a threat to you or people around. If they have failed to pull over for like 5 minutes and they are putting peoples life at risk by driving on sidewalks and passing red lights constantly, then yes.

In addition to this you should try and use different ways/techniques to stop the fleeing vehicle. Be aware that use of lethal force should one be used when its absolutely necessary!
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