I am going to reply to most of the people that said stuff I found interesting. I personally dislike these threads because it's all complaining and no actual proper sollutions being given.
The entire fight club incident could've been prevented if you did it at a more seclude location, had a medic to prevent life alerts and people dying (so no complaining)
and not allowing a government official to join in.
Staff team and the player base are equally at fault, staff team limits RP but the majority of players would rather flame and report over 5 minutes. Cops are as bad as org mains but refuse to believe it and think due to them holding a virtual rank they are above the other players and better at RP'ing in every way. Staff team doesn't encourage RP, event staff haven't been established despite people like myself showing an extreme interest and desire to better RP, community is literally a shit fest.
I disagree that the staff team prohibits people from roleplaying, and it saddens me to see that you perceive it this way. You have some valid opinions, and I do agree that the staff team is at fault to some extent. The event staff is still a W.I.P (as I have been told) and we have certainly moved more in the right direction from where we began in January.
>Decide I wanna try PERP out after a few weeks of not playing
>Feel like going cop
>Driving along, get rammed by car
>Attempt to pull car over
>Gets out and shoots me
>Ask why
>Leaving raid
>Make report about baiting police after a raid
>Carry on, whatever
>Get 911 call about needing an officer
>Arrive at call
>"Someone tried to raid Parker with a knife and bobbypin"
>Stood over body is 2 men with assault rifles and 10 more of their bootlickers inside
>Cuff men as illegal transporting and don't want to get shot during investigation
>Get shot as soon as cuffs come out
>"We thought we were warranted"
>2 reports still not answered after 25 minutes and 6 staff on who can respond
>Leave cause fuck that.
>Spot myself two weeks later in a montage getting shot whilst stood still
Yeah, RP is dead, server will die. Cya.
I do not see what the exact problem is? is the staff team to slow in their responses? Is it the community that has the tendency to shoot first ask questions later. anyhow your rulebreak should've been dealt with ingame by a staff member and it saddens me that it hasn't, next time I'll keep an eye so that this doesn't happen in the future I guess.
@Lucius Husky
Tried running a supervised parking lot, was RC so I could control the parking lot a bit. Had gates set up and all. Then 5 cops come flying into my gates, arresting me for not impounding a car. I ran as I thought it was bullshit and then I got shot... while RC.... so far roleplay
The jobs that arein the game already have a rp predestined "purpose". i.e medic gives medical care, LEO's keep the city save, RC provides you with all mechanical help and assists the police in towing vehicles etc etc. The only job that has a lot of leniency in this matter is Mayor. as long as you stick within the boundaries of your job bound roleplay purpose then these situations do not occur. If you want to be more creative in your roleplay scenarios always do them as a civillian.

R dont set up giant rp situations while being a job.
A staff member should not only enforce the rules but they should enforce the quality of roleplay just as much.
I myself am a great advocate for roleplay, setting up different scenarios ingame, funding other player's their "missions" I and others (
@Blackdown @Hayden @Mimball @curak @walnash @flugs ) set up and allowing (almost) all 'passive' RP situations, even
endorsing RP. but at the end of the line that's all a (staff) member can and should do. it's not up to us or up to anyone in that matter to limit people in how they play the game. We can merely give them a taste of how we like to play it by creating situations and letting them participate in it. If we would "Enforce Rolplay" then I assume people will be more sick of it as it will be shoved down their throats. what you are saying would be the exact same as people forcing you to buy apples in a supermarket because everyone is buying bananas

R we cannot enforce, we should endorse.
these are all my opinions and I will not defend them in the comments, so don't bother.
bye <3