Shooting Near Ear Deafen

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Description of the idea: If a gun is shot next to an ear/near somebody it will deafen them slightly. A bit like the flashbang but not too quiet.

Why should this be added? (pros): More realistic. Makes it more of an interesting experience in fights.

What negatives could this have? (cons): Uhhh none.
This would make silencers more viable. But I think this would be game breaking and anoying for all parties.
Seems like it would be really hard to implement, and wouldn't be used properly. Majority of the time if a bullet passes next to ur head the next one puts you on a black screen. I feel like this would only be used to troll like throwing a flashbang into the middle of bazaar.
Seems like it would be really hard to implement, and wouldn't be used properly. Majority of the time if a bullet passes next to ur head the next one puts you on a black screen. I feel like this would only be used to troll like throwing a flashbang into the middle of bazaar.
he said shot near your head not passes
Not even Tarkov has this and for a good reason, it would become a annoying feature. I'm all for realism but this is one is one of those that I don't want, we'd have to find some other benefit to equipping suppressors.

If anything you could maybe add supersonic cracks when a bullet passes by, as of the moment you really only hear the bullet impact the wall/ground if you're too far away to hear the weapon itself.