Shop Signs

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Topic: Shop Signs

Short explanation (in notes):
-A screen like thing above doors or windows on shops so people can have names for shops.
-Maybe a small screen saying ''Open/Closed'' on the window near the door.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Usually people just drop a prop outside or at the window with a name of the shop and what they are selling but most people wont really notice a small little prop with text above it if t hey are going 70 MPH but if there was a big standing out sign above the shop then it would be more iconic to people and possibly attract more business.

Optional additions:
-Poster adverts on fences or on walls around the city to advertise your store.
-Able to have different colours of the text and background of the sign.
-Neon Signs. (Thank you Crow for the suggestion)
-Smaller signs/screens inside or in the window saying something like ''SALE! %50 OFF!'' Or it could be used for a notification if the owner is out getting materials/on a lunch break.
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+Support, it will be handy instead of "Bazaar 4" it would be "Ethans Emporium Of Guns"
+Support, signs in general would be sweet aswell. So the cops don't have to /advert that there is a roadblock,traffic jam etc. all the time. And you can have a nice sign instead of a burger that costs 200k.
Would be a great thing to have :)
+support that way it would be easyer for ppl to see the shops
as it is now its hard to see if there are a shop in FX bazard or those stores next to them.
Yes Please, tons of players are using props to sign their shop, now it would be better and easiler :P

Besides that it would be more handy and more "professional", it would be more realistic.
I doubt anyone would see your sign going 70mph anyways tbh. That said however, I would agree there does need to be a better way to buy/sell items than what it is now. As well as manage your shop.

That said I also firmly believe we need to make benefits to owning a business related building and not allow people to grow/cook/etc illegal items within business buildings. Those should only be done in residential areas. We already have a law in place which says a person may not live in a business related building but unfortunately this goes on all the time because people will grow endlessly in the back of their shop. Which IMO is fail. Also I feel as though shops shouldn't be 24/7 and have actual business hours, but this may make it hard on some people to get the items they need, but I would just like to see more commerce between players.

Anyways a lot of that is a discussion for another time and place, as for shop signs I would be for them.
I doubt anyone would see your sign going 70mph anyways tbh. That said however, I would agree there does need to be a better way to buy/sell items than what it is now. As well as manage your shop.

That said I also firmly believe we need to make benefits to owning a business related building and not allow people to grow/cook/etc illegal items within business buildings. Those should only be done in residential areas. We already have a law in place which says a person may not live in a business related building but unfortunately this goes on all the time because people will grow endlessly in the back of their shop. Which IMO is fail. Also I feel as though shops shouldn't be 24/7 and have actual business hours, but this may make it hard on some people to get the items they need, but I would just like to see more commerce between players.

Anyways a lot of that is a discussion for another time and place, as for shop signs I would be for them.
Thanks for the support!
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