Mattus;n1641 said:
But if you purchased the money with real money-from the server at set prices where you aren't going to do that- why would you want to throw money out the window? You are spending Real Money, to the server for Real in-game cash. Nobody (unless you have unlimited funds,) would spend E.G. $30 on 500k to get banned permanently.
While I agree this was a thin point of his, you can't expect $30 to be the lowest cash amount - it'll probably be around $5 or so which is very affordable.
Mattus;n1641 said:
It's not like the server isn't already drowned in weapons. Of course more people would have money, but it makes it more accessible to those who do not have the time to sit at their computers all day and grow.
However, you would then be making this pay to win. People who sit on their computers all day and grow are earning their cash. Growing weed and cocain at the same time as a VIP can earn you $20k an hour roughly. So in 5 hours of perfectly timed, uninterrupted growing you can earn $100k theoretically (although this is rarely the case as boredum and raids take place). So little Timmy who has spent probably 8 hours of his life on the server to earn 100k is going to suddenly be equally matched in "effort rewarded" by someone who was at work today and earned $120 so he decides to spend $30 on the server? The server is drowned with weapons. Yes. However, that is how PERP has always been and always will be. Suggest a way to change this (tip: it's very hard to do so without annihilating the gameplay of the server).
Mattus;n1641 said:
I, myself, come on the server to Roleplay Gvt. Jobs. Occasionally I will do some criminal stuff such as robbing the bank or taking someone hostage. But often when I'm not a Gvt. Job I would love to drive around in a vehicle that isn't a Mini Cooper.
That's fine and I acknowledge that, however, you must realise you are a part of a small minority (it's sad but be a realist here). Sadly, if you would love to drive around in a swanky vehicle you'll have to move onto some of the high risk high gain strategies of making money in PERP. There is a reason that growing drugs and crime gets more money than jobs - because you can lose it all too. Pay $7000 for 20 pots, $4000 for seeds, $4000 for your gun, $3000 on ammo. Oh no, you got raided! Now you have to start again. Go and spend $18000 more and start again and just hope you don't get raided (sorry for the sarcasm)! It is the sad truth though, the jobs get paid less because they are a safe, stable source of income.
Mattus;n1641 said:
The Majority of people who play Garrysmod do not have the money to waste on a video game. For money in one. But there are some people who are willing to spend their money on some cash. Maybe get some money with their donator? Like for the $8 or $10 you can get 100k or something? Makes it so that the only is able to be tapped into once a month or all in one for 3 months or something.
I don't know where you're getting those statistics from, but if you take a look at how many people on the server are paying $8 (or however much it is) a month, that seems to state otherwise. Money with donator? Why? People are buying it as it is now and adding money to it is 90% of the time. Go on the server and tell me how many people have donated in comparison to the people who haven't. Scratch that, tell me how many people on the server have been playing for more 2 weeks who haven't donated. The figure will be very small.
Just because you're not expanding into the high risk ways of making money doesn't mean you need to punish everyone who has.
I'm off to uni, I'm already late so I'll respond to your response if it's made when I'm back.