Shoutout to Cole


Reaction score
North East
Just want to take this space to give a shoutout to Cole. He only got enforcer yesterday and I've seen him already having a great impact on the server, helping new players and dishing out suitable warns.

I know there was a lot of doubt about Cole (apparently,) but I can safely say from what I can see he's a fantastic enforcer and will eventually make an exemplary mod.

#ModeratorInTraining @Cole
Thanks for the recommendation, @Exrobite I'm glad that I do a good job in your opinion.
Well deserved. He should've went straight to moderator. I'm sure he's more than qualified and this thread proves that even more.
Agreed, friendly and knowledgeable guy who can still but fun to talk to even when being very serious. Saw him dealing with something yesterday and I was impressed with the professionalism.
I can definitely back you up here! Cole is an amazing staff member, and I'm so glad he is back in the team! He does his job to an extremely high standard, and I look forward to seeing him as a moderator!
Tried to mug me for my ak47 :( , but I killed him ;D

But in reality , Cole is trying hard to deal with the sits he possibly can. He's always helping out In LOOC if we need and even OOC #Cole4Moderator!
I also fully agree with everyone up here^

Cole is friendly, and has a good knowlage of the rules. Not only that, he also is a great LT. I look forward to the day that he will become mod.