Server Suggestion Show me your driving license.

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Suggestion Title: Show me your driving license.
Suggestion Description: The server suffers from constant vdm and sweaters becoming roadcrew or rich guys with fast cars driving so fast but when stopped it's always a hassle to competently do a traffic stop.

Yes, Perp is a fast paced game, however that doesn't change that RTU exists, sweaters vdm often, criminals want status and giving more to all of them is something we should strive to do just as much as we're aiming balance out the shooting part. Therefore...

I propose driving licenses is added in the form of having all players be given a new status on the PLPD computer which states if they have a valid, expired or no license. They must take a small quiz from the side desk npc to the left of CH entrance and then be placed in a driving school car which they can drive around (maybe a mini cooper to help them learn most?) and be given objectives just like a normal mission on the app.

A player found with an expired license simply gets a 500$ fine and being let go.

They will learn Headlights, Key binds, speed limitations, traffic lights and which one to never casually break (intersection).

After being complete the player will earn a license for 30 days and must renew? i am not certain on the timer that which should expire the player's license however 30 days seem like a lengthy period that it would allow the player to forget or keep up making it more fun to handle having a car.

Why should this be added?:
- RTU Purpose
- More Police Work
- More opportunity for the racers to show off / criminal status
- Teaches new players how to drive legally
- Lessens the amount of VDM
-Helps new players learn the mechanics of driving

What negatives could this have?:
- Too much to code?
- Can make somebody unhappy to get caught lacking with an expired license
And who follows those laws? Literally no one?
Police and those who don't want to get in legal trouble or who can't afford to get in to legal trouble. We understand you can afford the ticket or to disregard all traffic laws but
1. Even you must follow 3.4 and not break intersection red light or follow some traffic laws to preserve your life and freedom
2. This is concerning sweaters, not you, so those sweaters who barely can afford a slums apartment can learn to drive right and hopefully not get in trouble because they're taught how to drive correctly just like they're taught how to be road crew when they apply.
If people want to follow traffic laws they can, but there is no 'right way' to drive and if they want to drive following every traffic law it takes literally 30 seconds to read and understand
in what world does every new player look at the traffic laws and read them all precisely understanding them and comprehending them completely in under 30 seconds....?

Also if there is no "right way" then logically you're also saying it's ok to run red light on intersection casually which is 3.4 but new players don't know that cause nobody trains them how to drive legally.

which most perp players don't want

this community has thousands so this statement is already inaccurate and completely biased

a drivers license isn't going to stop laws being broken
You're ignoring the clear benefit that it provides for new players as you view it from an experienced standpoint. Not every sweater is a braindead rule breaker which is one extreme, but not every player knows how to follow all the rules perfectly which is another extreme you're trying to portray it seems like. The pro in this is these new players who have never driven cars before can :

- learn to drive the right way
- not risk losing money due to fines or spend jail time
- avoid sweaters breaking rules such as 3.4 since a player is much more likely to be committing a serious traffic offense which would eventually lead to a serious situation if they're not taught HOW to drive legally beforehand where if they were taught they wouldn't face anything serious in the end.
/me hands ID but adding extra time on top which most perp players don't want
Who says you don't have to go through the same exact process when getting stopped for head lights just as an example?
Your logic fails to flow if you're saying this addition is intolerable because it will waste your time but it's ok to have all the other traffic laws. Especially when this addition isn't concerning the experienced player but rather benefitting the new player whilst providing more roleplay which would maximum take 5 extra seconds from your precious day to act out in exchange for all the benefits it brings.
this community has thousands so this statement is already inaccurate and completely biased
Do a pole, I guarantee most will agree with me.
Instead of adding the hassle of doing the test for a license which all players will take affect to, if a new mission is put into the system it can have many more benefits such as showing new players the basic traffic laws and could show the new players more of the map in the same mission.
This way will then have immediate help for the new ones and not affect the older/experienced players
Police and those who don't want to get in legal trouble or who can't afford to get in to legal trouble. We understand you can afford the ticket or to disregard all traffic laws but
1. Even you must follow 3.4 and not break intersection red light or follow some traffic laws to preserve your life and freedom
2. This is concerning sweaters, not you, so those sweaters who barely can afford a slums apartment can learn to drive right and hopefully not get in trouble because they're taught how to drive correctly just like they're taught how to be road crew when they apply.

in what world does every new player look at the traffic laws and read them all precisely understanding them and comprehending them completely in under 30 seconds....?

Also if there is no "right way" then logically you're also saying it's ok to run red light on intersection casually which is 3.4 but new players don't know that cause nobody trains them how to drive legally.

this community has thousands so this statement is already inaccurate and completely biased

You're ignoring the clear benefit that it provides for new players as you view it from an experienced standpoint. Not every sweater is a braindead rule breaker which is one extreme, but not every player knows how to follow all the rules perfectly which is another extreme you're trying to portray it seems like. The pro in this is these new players who have never driven cars before can :

- learn to drive the right way
- not risk losing money due to fines or spend jail time
- avoid sweaters breaking rules such as 3.4 since a player is much more likely to be committing a serious traffic offense which would eventually lead to a serious situation if they're not taught HOW to drive legally beforehand where if they were taught they wouldn't face anything serious in the end.

Who says you don't have to go through the same exact process when getting stopped for head lights just as an example?
Your logic fails to flow if you're saying this addition is intolerable because it will waste your time but it's ok to have all the other traffic laws. Especially when this addition isn't concerning the experienced player but rather benefitting the new player whilst providing more roleplay which would maximum take 5 extra seconds from your precious day to act out in exchange for all the benefits it brings.
My guy, traffic stop tickets are like 5k at most, that's literally the price of a pistol. You earn this within 15 minutes of ANY government job.
The traffic laws are so simple, you have speed limits, stop signs and traffic lights. Literally anyone can read the laws and in 30 seconds know how to drive it really doesn't require a license
Do a pole, I guarantee most will agree with me.
Instead of adding the hassle of doing the test for a license which all players will take affect to, if a new mission is put into the system it can have many more benefits such as showing new players the basic traffic laws and could show the new players more of the map in the same mission.
This way will then have immediate help for the new ones and not affect the older/experienced players
So at least you agree it is good to have the app mission idea. But you're still disagreeing with the whole license thing because if you get stopped and found without one you lose a grand total of 500$? Why does that not register as a reasonable addition which can influence more realistic and legal driving. Why does it have to be a bad thing to create a mechanic which not only helps our sweaters in many ways as I listed previously but also adds more to both realms whether criminal or cop as I also listed previously.
traffic stop tickets are like 5k at most
in the suggestion the absence of a license results in a maximum of 500$ ticket... not 5k I don't know where you got that from or if that's even relevant.
The traffic laws are so simple, you have speed limits, stop signs and traffic lights. Literally anyone can read the laws and in 30 seconds know how to drive it really doesn't require a license
There are way more traffic laws than those 3 lol

but please let me know if by that logic you're saying ALL new players when they first join instantly first thing go and look at traffic laws then they learn them perfectly within the first 30 seconds and never run a red light on intersection in their life...? I think that is the most optimistic assumption I've ever heard considering how many times staff have to physgun a new player to not RUN across intersection. Half of the new players don't even know they can get a free car let alone know how to drive it :confused:
So at least you agree it is good to have the app mission idea. But you're still disagreeing with the whole license thing because if you get stopped and found without one you lose a grand total of 500$? Why does that not register as a reasonable addition which can influence more realistic and legal driving. Why does it have to be a bad thing to create a mechanic which not only helps our sweaters in many ways as I listed previously but also adds more to both realms whether criminal or cop as I also listed previously.

in the suggestion the absence of a license results in a maximum of 500$ ticket... not 5k I don't know where you got that from or if that's even relevant.

There are way more traffic laws than those 3 lol

but please let me know if by that logic you're saying ALL new players when they first join instantly first thing go and look at traffic laws then they learn them perfectly within the first 30 seconds and never run a red light on intersection in their life...? I think that is the most optimistic assumption I've ever heard considering how many times staff have to physgun a new player to not RUN across intersection.
I do agree with your aim of helping new players but I disagree with the license. I just feel it is unnecessary for players to go out of their way to do a test for the license. The mission system could be put in place when the player buys their first car at car dealer. Gives them the basic laws as well as other benefits.

And lets be honest those 3 traffic laws are the most important ones and others will hardly affect you.
I like the idea of there being a driving mission but adding driving licenses to the game is just unnecessary and excessive. If we take a look at your pros for this idea, the last 3 could probably be achieved just from the mission alone, the first few don't really matter at this scale and do not justify this suggestion being implemented in its fullest. There are much better things that the developers could be focussing on.
I like the idea of there being a driving mission but adding driving licenses to the game is just unnecessary and excessive. If we take a look at your pros for this idea, the last 3 could probably be achieved just from the mission alone, the first few don't really matter at this scale and do not justify this suggestion being implemented in its fullest. There are much better things that the developers could be focussing on.
So I’m not going to read this entire discussion, I did see some things I want to comment on, specifically the one of it adding RP.

Everyone plays this game different and that is its purpose, some people passive RP others prefer to just have a blackscreen simulator and there is nothing wrong with either. This idea seems to force that RP onto players who don’t want to participate which I’m not a fan of. Yes you can follow traffic laws but this would take a 1 minute ticket into a 5 minute situation just for the sake of it, which means they won’t stop anymore. If anything it seems this will lead to more shootouts over traffic offenses

As for the idea of teaching sweaters, this is exactly where the mission system is for and it seems we could just add a drivers lesson mission instead of the ginormous idea it currently is.
So I’m not going to read this entire discussion, I did see some things I want to comment on, specifically the one of it adding RP.

Everyone plays this game different and that is its purpose, some people passive RP others prefer to just have a blackscreen simulator and there is nothing wrong with either. This idea seems to force that RP onto players who don’t want to participate which I’m not a fan of. Yes you can follow traffic laws but this would take a 1 minute ticket into a 5 minute situation just for the sake of it, which means they won’t stop anymore. If anything it seems this will lead to more shootouts over traffic offenses

As for the idea of teaching sweaters, this is exactly where the mission system is for and it seems we could just add a drivers lesson mission instead of the ginormous idea it currently is.
I am glad we see eye to eye in the mission segment but to make it short. From my standpoint I see it that those with lots of money who are experienced players that prefer the "blackscreen simulator," are the ones who are going to crave the idea of not stopping. The point is it gives the player an option and expands upon the untapped potential of traffic crime which from what I've observed is no where even in the realm of how frequent shooting crime is committed which is a bummer because having high speed chases is the whole point of RTU or having a fast car so that does help put more fun on everyone's plate.

Yes for that one guy who doesn't want to run but doesn't want to deal with a cop he might be bored and feel frustrated about the whole thing but at the end of the day they could be in that same scenario if a cop saw them driving without headlights. Any "minor inconvenience" can spur from any minor breakage but at the end of the day if you just obey the law all it is 5 minutes at most and probably less than that considering cops in most scenarios will usually get a raid priority to respond to rendering their traffic stop ended before the 2 minute mark. I hope that explained it better or eased any worries but if you still withhold that opinion that licenses isn't a good idea I completely respect that as well but there specifically is where I personally prefer to disagree myself provided my explanation just now.
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Server Suggestion Driving license