Silly man

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Spoon/logan finch
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jossyl / name is video
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:79422442
Why Should This Player Be Punished: picking drugs as they knew they are getting raided
Evidence (Demo Required):
Listen, you officer tried to get in, to check for BULLETS. after that I went back since my weed was ready you saw it so I took it and got my gun out because I knew you were going to arrest me. I had 2 options pick it up and you guys can still arrest me and take my drugs. or I would resist what is normal right? I didnt store it so i dont know what your problem is. if I stored it then you had a reason to cry but now you dont come on man
Listen, you officer tried to get in, to check for BULLETS. after that I went back since my weed was ready you saw it so I took it and got my gun out because I knew you were going to arrest me. I had 2 options pick it up and you guys can still arrest me and take my drugs. or I would resist what is normal right? I didnt store it so i dont know what your problem is. if I stored it then you had a reason to cry but now you dont come on man
you just stated you knew you were going to get arrested what are you trying to argue?

Their was no medics so no chance of getting the drugs off you, you even went to the extent of picking up the planters?? when their is no point xd
yeah thats right I smell there is no medic? come on man stop crying ill give you the money you get for the drugs if thats the fucking problem aye always crying for stupid shit like that man, I just defended my drugs and I didn't syore it or anything so whats the point of crying like that
yeah thats right I smell there is no medic? come on man stop crying ill give you the money you get for the drugs of thats the fucking problem aye always crying for stupid shit like that man
nah am cool on money, thanks for offer though, if I took the drugs I would of got like $500 am more bothered about you being a dick by picking not playing fairly
notplaying fairly? okay even if it was against the rules? then i am sorry I am still a human and I make mistakes like you gonna feel happy when I am banned? if thats the point then fucking ban me like I care just ban me because I see you like that
notplaying fairly? okay even if it was against the rules? then i am sorry I am still a human and I make mistakes like you gonna feel happy when I am banned? if thats the point then fucking ban me like I care just ban me because I see you like that
if I can be real, can we not just play and not cry over every fucking thing like thats what makes the server silly tbh
okay Spoon okay your right im not gonna discuss with you I hope you feel happy

It is not acceptable to pick drugs when you know you are being raided. It hinders and ruins roleplay. Offering to give the money back won't make the problem go away. Next time play fairly.

On this occasion, you will be issued with a warning.​
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