Police Suggestion Siren Changes

Reaction score
Great Britain
Suggestion Title: Siren Changes
Suggestion Description: I think it would be good if we had more sirens and a different way to use them. The way I would propose it work is when you press Q you toggle your siren on and it will activate the traditional "wail" sound. Instead of holding down ALT to temporarily sound the "yelp", you press ALT to cycle between 3 different sounds. At any point, you can press Q to turn the sirens off again. It would go "wail" > "yelp" > new siren noise, potentially the "hi-lo" sound most of Europe uses? This would alternate, so you press ALT and it will play that siren until you press it again and it will go to the next one and repeat until you press Q to disable the sirens.

Pressing C would not change its functionality.

Why should this be added?:
- It would give police the ability to have more road presence when responding to emergencies
- It means you do not have to hold down ALT when approaching junctions etc and can simply press it to cycle to the next siren
- This system would actually be more simple/user friendly than the current one
- It would probably not require very much change to the current system in terms of code

What negatives could this have?:
- Development time
- Not an urgent change / may not be seen as necessary

What problem would this suggestion solve?: If used correctly, this would assist police in responding to emergencies and prevent collisions because they are able to make themselves more present and be heard better. If one sound is playing too long, it becomes a bit numb in people's ears, so having different noises all with a lot of urgency will better alert other drives.
We also need to be able to honk while having the siren turned on, in the firetruck. It's not a real firetruck unless it sounds like this:

We also need to be able to honk while having the siren turned on, in the firetruck. It's not a real firetruck unless it sounds like this:

Yeah, slightly tweak the C functionality and just have that sound the bull horn noise when your sirens are on
We also need to be able to honk while having the siren turned on, in the firetruck. It's not a real firetruck unless it sounds like this:

Best part is always the bullhorn ngl. Really disappointing it’s not a thing yet.
Make it so when holding Q we can select the siren from a few selection
I really wish the server had a much more varied, realistic and "fun" siren system. Half of the game is revolved around emergency responses so the fact that we only have 2 sirens for police which sound poor in audio quality, as well as the childish ambulance siren, the server really ruins it's immersion of being a crime-ridden american city. Which could be heavily improved upon if we perhaps got a whole new assortment of sounds to use as the suggestion says. Emergency responders in real life have a whole DJ set in their cars basically giving them many sounds to play around with which are just not there in perp.
Perhaps we could have a wheel or a special HUD element imitating a real siren controller to control, and select our sirens to spice up our responses to incidents (could also just be new binds that would be displayed on the HUD element). It would be so good as well if the sound volume didn't drop off so much at a slight distance, and, though i don't know if the render distance is associated with the sounds distance but if it's not, if it could be increased that would make immersion better as well
All of this would take alot of development time but goddamn would it make things so much more interesting
I hate that the spam feature was removed, because that was the only way to get people's attention. The sirens are way too loud for the driver, but not loud enough for other players.
More variety would also be amazing.
I agree that more siren tones would be nice as someone who mains firefighter, but I will say the ability to quickly shift over to the secondary tone with ALT when approaching and going through intersections is a convenience I rely on that would not be there if it was just a button that switches between three options. RIGHT ALT might be a good option for a third siren tone or some sort of toggle. Perhaps RIGHT ALT could toggle LEFT ALT's function?
Perhaps c could be the tone changer and alt stays as a short burst of another tone
Perhaps c could be the tone changer and alt stays as a short burst of another tone
I don't think we would need a temporary tone change if we can do that easily with one button, I would honestly rather we keep either C or ALT (depends on which one changes tones) to then be the bullhorn