Small tips for making PERP easier as well as other fun facts!

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Here’s some small tips for making perp a whole bunch easier for you!

- Always carry a chemical used to dry drugs, such as lye,and a binder (glue, starch, etc) when raiding in case you come across a chem table with unfinished product on it.
- Owning a GMC vandura, Ford Transit, or other high storage utility vehicle to transport planters and The likes is a life saver.
- Can’t store guns during a shootout? Use a pickup truck and just throw the guns in the bed of the truck!
- Always have spare cars, no point in just owning a supercar if your super car is broken.
- Taking the stock off of a non concealable primary weapon makes it harder to see whilst you are driving a car
- High caliber rifles, such as the L115 and M82 can shoot through cars and kill players on the other side of them.
- The highest capacity firearm on PERP is the MP7 with extended magazines, which hold a total of 40 rounds.
- The highest damaging firearms are the AS50 and M82, offering a 1 shot kill, infinite range, and 1 shot disables all cars.
- The damage per shot of a gun is determined mainly by its caliber, meaning an M9 does the same damage as an MP5A4 Under normal circumstances.
- You can shoot out the back door of a Ford transit or GMC vandura, but people can also shoot you back!
- Water bottles give more stamina than coffee without the hunger damage, so stock up on water!
- Glass beer bottles serve as pretty good emergency melee weapons in the event of someone randomly punching you and typically cannot be confiscated with a police search.
- Splints make you take damage when you sprint with them on.
- Meth offers $250 per piece as opposed to other drugs which offer $150 per piece.
- The G3A3 offers the highest damage per shot of all automatic firearms, but costs about 6.6K per magazine refill, it also takes all sniper scopes and works well as a sniper, seeing as it’s also considerably cheaper than the M14 or SR25.
- The Porsche Cayenne, used by the PLPD RTU, can drive over highway dividers in the city highway and city bridge highway areas.
- The Volkswagen Camper is the slowest car between 200-300k but has huge trunk space and more Seats than almost any other vehicle.
- The Volvo 850R has a unique paint job option for 20k that gives it a rusty metallic finish.
- Shooting the floor at an angle facing the apartment below you with a rifle inside of slums and projex will let you kill raiders who are outside the door of the apartment below, a common angle.
- The UMP45 is bugged when used with an eotech micro holo, making the gun near impossible to use properly due to the sights conflicting reticles.
- Holding E on a player, car, or entity with a camera out locks you onto the entity in question, good for making scenic recordings.
- The quietest weapon in the game is the PPK with a suppressor.
- It’s possible to kill players by shooting their feet underneath a car if you have the angle to do so, including The Range Rover or SWAT Van.
- The M4, M16, SCAR, Famas, Aug and Enfield all share the same magazine type, making said rifles the most convenient.
- The FAMAS has the highest fire rate of all assault rifles.
- The MAC 11 has the highest fire rate of all weapons on PERP.
- The mossberg 590 has the highest capacity of all shotguns on the server.
- Fishing as mayor can pull you in significant profit.
- Gambling in bazaar is both the fastest way to make, or lose, money.
- The only jobs which have a guaranteed significant and stable income is courier.
- The Paralake economy is doomed due to the fact that large scale purchases are only made when sales taxes are marginal to nonexistent, or done in a manner which circumvents the end consumer paying taxes.
- The Taurus 605 is criminally underrated.
- With most rifles, putting your gun away whilst reloading results in the weapon not functioning until reloaded again, this occurs when you put It away before the bolting animation completes.
- The spas 12 is the only shotgun with an attachment point for stocks.
- The AK47 takes multiple stocks, such as the M4 crane stock, the M16 stock, the AK101 stock, the AK47 stock, the AK74U stock and the Sako stock.
- The TFU door breaching C2 charges can be placed on explosives to perform controlled explosions.
- walking or running whilst crouched results in silent walking.
- The GMC vandura is a literal weapon of mass destruction, it can overpower roadcrew cars when being towed, and has unpredictable physics if rendered airborne somehow.
- Cooked fish give the largest hunger boost of all food items.

I’ll add more to this soon.
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top balla' teaching us once again it's not about how many reports you handle, senior mod already wtf noob admins?
I dident even know that high caliber rifles, such as the L115 and M82 can shoot through cars and kill players on the other side of them
(Im guessing this is same for AS50?)

Nice man
include the price of fish in this list cod is 150 trout is 200 and salmon is 250 per i think thoose are right