What are we?
Smith and Cook Gunsmiths is every citizen's 1 stop shop for guns! We have a wide range of guns for sale at any one time. With a plethora of firearms, your home defence will be taken to a new level!
All of our guns are fully operational, with a 100% operation rate, if it breaks, you know it's not our fault!
We have several employees currently. There are:

Humphrey Smithson
CEO of Smith and Cook.
Crafting level: 105 and rising!
Favourite gun: Springfield M14!
Also likes: Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain

Suzanne Morrissey
Crafting level: Around 50
Favourite gun: AK-47
Also likes: Greasy Gorillas!

John Edwardson
Crafting level: Around 50
Favourite gun: Walther PPK
Also likes: Not being commended on PLPD online

Ben Walker
Crafting level: 125
Favourite gun: Nerf Modulus Tri-Strike
Also likes: Being a lazy LT

Allen Kennedy
Crafting level: 63
Favourite gun: AK-47
Also likes:
Barefoot girls, dancing in the moonlight.

Johnathan Smithers
Crafting Level: 16
Favourite gun: Baseball Bat
Also likes: Making love at midnight

Tomas Costello
Crafting level: Hippie
Favorite gun: Make love not war!
Also likes: Harry Potter
Our shop
You can usually find us around Bazzar, selling our guns to citizens of paralake! Here's a list of guns that we have sold in the past:
Benelli M3s
Springfield M14s
Remington M24s
Desert Eagles
Double Barrelled Shotguns
And more!
Here are a few pictures of our shop in action!

Business Partners
Here are a list of people we are partnered with. Organisations that partner with us may get a discount on some items in our store!
1. Niggas In Paralake
Sweatervest Integration Programme
- Smith and Cook are proud to announce our Sweater Integration Programme. We will take players in who are inexperienced with guncrafting and give them the help they need to flourish in the industry. Some people may say it's creating our own competition but we say it's helping the little guy.
If you are interested, drop me a PM on the forums or ingame when you see me, I'll invite you to the org and give you helpful pointers on where to go from your current level.
A sneak peak at the Smith and Cook 3rd World Sweatshop!

That's all from us, if you need a gun, send me a message when you're in the city!
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