Sneed’s Smoke shop (Formerly Sneed’s weed and seeds, formerly chucks)

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Sneed’s Smoke Shack! (Formerly Sneed’s weed and Seeds)

We sell the following items:
- Elf bars
- Tobacco products
- Bong pipes for tobacco and novelty
- Pyrex dishes
- Legal Research chemicals (see here for more information)
- Novelty items, Such as glass beakers, Zombie Knives, and other cool gifts!
- Peyote cactus’s!
- Cool flags and signs!
- Stereo systems

We are a certified Medicinal Cannabis safe space! Our smoking lounge is a perfect place to ensure you remain medicated (With the product we are not actively supplying of course!) Come to our smoking lounge to take your medicinal cannabis as you stare at our collection of luminescent Rick and Morty flags!

Browse our available collection of rolling trays below!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to popular demand, we are out of minions rolling trays, some guy bought out entire stock.​

- Allowing the Use of Medical Cannabis under our roof does not implicate us in any crime. We may provide medical assistance to individuals under 6.3: aiding and abetting as written in law, and are not facilitating the commission of a felony offence, so we are not aiding and abetting in allowing our space for such an act. Furthermore, Sneeds Smoke shop does not provide or supply restricted substances to the public!
- All peyote cactus’s are sold as novelty items and collectors pieces for the cacti keeping hobbyists. We do not sell these as psychoactive substances. Section 8 of the penal code refers solely to “Restricted substances” and peyote does not, in the form it is sold in, fall under this category, as the spikes render it inedible And incapable of being consumed!
- Any and all potential psychoactive effects or health risks posed by our research chemicals only stands for their misuse. Despite any sort of personal perception of our products they are not designed to be entered into the body of a person or animal. We hold no liability for misuse of our products. Exceptions to this are products intended for human consumption.
- Paralake does not currently feature any copyright law, therefor meaning we can produce, import and sell unlincensed use of trademarked products in our rolling tray designs.
- Sneed’s smoke shop is inaccessible for people under the age of 18 and proof of ID may be required to enter or remain within our premises, this includes the smoking lounge use.
- As business owners of private property we withhold the right to refuse entry or service to any individual, regardless of government status, and will pursue legal action, be it through the law or internal affairs of the PLPD, against any and all individuals, be it citizen or cop, who harass our workforce and customers. Furthermore, we will stand our ground against any and all individuals who turn violent under 2.1 right to self defence.
Idk which one more I should cringe, the elf bars, wasting your time spent in making this thread, or the visuals... this meme fucking sucks dude this is low tier methhead @steelo typa shi' you ain't like this... up ya game....