Police Suggestion SO/CPL TFOs being able to battering ram doors

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Suggestion Title: SO/CPL TFOs being able to battering ram doors
Suggestion Description: Give SO/CPL TFOs (in gear) permission to battering ram doors of unwarranted people, we're already entrusted with being able to C2 unwarranted peoples' doors, I don't see why we shouldn't be entrusted to battering ram them as well.

Getting TFU is a long process & you're trained to know when breaching unwarranted properties is justified & when it's not

Why should this be added?:
- 10/10 times it's safer to battering ram a door where the suspects inside are actively wall-banging as placing C2 takes ages & is super risky
- if you're out of C2 you can simply battering ram doors instead of having to resupply at Brute/PD

What negatives could this have?:
- could be abused by a trolling TFO, however I've not once seen a TFO just randomly placing C2 on peoples door for no reason, as I mentioned earlier it takes ages to get TFU & to throw it away by battering ramming random doors is simply silly

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Dying when trying to place C2 on a locked door where suspects are actively wall-banging you because you couldn't just battering ram it on repeat until it eventually comes open
I hope you know TFU is difficult to get into (practical stage), and if misconduct does happen, the obviously report it. This suggestion otherwise is good as not always do you have C2, as you said, SO and CPL TFO's in gear should be able to use battering ram.
I hope you know TFU is difficult to get into (practical stage), and if misconduct does happen, the obviously report it. This suggestion otherwise is good as not always do you have C2, as you said, SO and CPL TFO's in gear should be able to use battering ram.
Exactly, TFU isn't easy to get & personally I have never seen anyone abuse it. We'll see what the policy board think though
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