Sophia Hudson

Reaction score
Straight outta Racxes pedophile basement
If you didn't know, my sister has started to play PERPHeads. She's only 9 years old and only knows the basic english and some more.
I've gattered few clips from her and it's fantastic!
Wish her welcome into the community!
"Buy some burgers, buy some burgers, buy some burgers."

edit: she begged for me to buy some burgers from the market during a shootout at slums
Welcome to the community! Dinner is strictly at 6:00 PM. We have an outdoor time for roughly 20 minutes at noon. Other than that, you stay in your cell at all times. Enjoy.
Tell her welcome and to jump into my police car if she needs more burgers <3

Best fo regards Sergeant Heikki Smith
I think it'd probably be a good idea to keep @Slayerduck away from her.

Please make her an enforcer application when she hits 2w playtime.
If you didn't know, my sister has started to play PERPHeads. She's only 9 years old and only knows the basic english and some more.
I've gattered few clips from her and it's fantastic!
Wish her welcome into the community!

This is bait. Probably Marcus Hudson Ban evading again ngl
Perpheads people are the last people you should have your sister associated with. It's not safe l0l and it's not even a joke