Sorry lads

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I've noticed a trend of apologising through forums so I decided I would do it to.

I'm sorry for being a annoying as fuck squeaker, I've honestly started to realise I'm a REALLY BIG DICK sometimes. I let my ego control myself sometimes like if someone calls me shit, I beg and pray that person is on cop so I can kill them when I raid
Earlier I killed Jackal Nero while he was TFU and after I started calling him a dick in OOC because he always shit talked me and called me bad, and I took out my ego fuelled anger out on him and he didn't deserve that. (Unless your @DanielRabbit )

I honestly sorry to everyone I be a dick too. Sometimes I get a little serious when I play, but you guys don't deserve to get the brunt of that anger.
Thanks to Juan Bonita for putting up with me and being nice to me even after all the shit I've said and done to him. o7 #FREEJUAN
a lot of text when you could just be better via your actions i promise nobody is that bothered by it