This is not a Ban Appeal

Hello Friends , Staff , and the rest of the freindly community.
Some of you probably know me and some of you probably don't however I am just here to write about a few things that I want to get off my chest.
First of all I would like to talk about my bans and warnings. As some of you know I have something crazy like 9 bans on record and 13 warnings I am sure it is something crazy like that. And honestly I am not proud of them and I would do anything to change them. However as most of you know you can not change bans / warnings they stay on your PerpHeads account forever. Staff have given me advice on changing and being a better person and I do try my best to take most of it in and I do for a short while. However it all changes when I start to hang out with the wrong people and turn imature and simply break rules. Now I am not blaming other people for my bans / warnings I am just saying maybe the people I have been playing with might not be the best people to play with (Following the rules wise) not saying any names but I would just like to point it out. I have been told by a few staff members to maybe not play with them however did not really work out. Most of you have probably seen my bans and warns and are thinking "He clearly does not read the rules" etc. To be completely honest here I know the rules fairly well. You are now thinking "Whats with the bans and warnings then" The bans I get or warnings I get I am aware of breaking the rules when I break them and it annoys me because staff always tell me after I get a ban or warning to read over the rules. Most of the time when I break the rules and get a ban / warning as I have said knowing I am breaking them is when I turn imature and play with the wrong people I said it before and I will say it again not blaming anyone for my bans / warnings however they do impact how I play and act. My last ban I felt even more annoyed with myself because I was playing with the right people like Robin and most of his org and friends AKA La Cosa Nostra and it sucked to get banned. However the day I got banned I was playing more with some old friends and not with my org. My old friends who I started to play with do not know the rules as much and I slowly started to change again into my imature stage. I then ended up getting banned.
About a week or two later I made a Ban Appeal it got accepted and lowered to two months. I was very very happy to be that lucky to get it lowered. However another week passed and I was very very bored I was just watching some Youtube videos and some Twitch streams, and something came across my mind and I started to imagine starting over again with no bans and warnings etc. So I used my freinds account and my brothers to try and ban evade. Again I knew I was breaking the rules but all that was going through my head was "fresh start." Now I got banned striaght up of course because I am too dumb to change my IP. Then Lewis found out and banned me again for 6 months. That was when I turned very annoyed as in I would start taking it out on my family and close friends and then later regretting it and saying sorry. However before I ban evaded I got the best advice from Tyla and he helped me so much getting the ban lowered. But to then go and ban evade was so stupid its unreal. Another reason I want to say sorry.
Now that is the story not really me saying sorry to you guys so here is a little story I would like to tell you before I fully say sorry.
Today 03/01/2016 I went on a family bike ride and had some lunch together with my family I loved it so much it was a very fun time. While I was eating my ham sandwitch something came into my mind again (A good thing) I thought about PerpHeads a lot while eating that ham sandwitch and it came into my mind why not try once more to show the community you can follow the rules, you can have fun , you can make friends. So we finally got home and with some thinking I thought about how I could say sorry to the community , friends and staff. I thought about making a post (What I am writing right now) about my story of why I am like this and to say sorry for why I am like it. So here I am writing it now. I just feel I owe my friends, the community and the staff team a apology for everything. From my bans to my warns and to my imature life that has caused me to break rules.
My last thing before I move on to the apology is some Friends and Staff who belive in me and know I can do well. I have been told that I can behave and follow the rules and be a fun person to play with however they also said I can be a pain in the ass as I know. I have been kind of scared and nervous about writing another appeal and even writing this post now is giving me some nervous feelings. I know most of you are friendly but sometimes I get scared about what feedback I will get. I know some of you probably will not want to see me again some of you might love to see me again. However I needed to do get this off my chest and tell you guys how sorry I really am.
My apology of course goes out to the whole of the Perpheads Community. However there are some people who deserve more of an apology
@LordTyla - Thank you so much for being there for me and helping me out so much. I am sorry for letting you down and getting banned again. I hope you are willing to help me out again as I think I need some talking to.
@Robin Handsomealot - Thank you so much for the Org and everything else you got me to a good stage in Perpheads. Sorry to let you and your org down by getting banned. I hope to see you and play with you after my ban is over.
@MrAaron - Thanks for always cheering me up and giving me some advice man. Again sorry for letting you down and getting banned.
@LEWIS 088 - Thank you so much for lowereing my ban the first time and beliveing I could change my ways. However I am so sorry for ban evading and letting you down. I hope you can give me one more chance at this.
@Morgan0111 - You are one of my close friends I have taken my actions on and then later on regretting it. You have done so much for me Morgan and I hate taking things out on you. Thanks for always staying by me no matter what I have done.
@Mortal Fusions - Thanks for keeping me out of trouble most of the time I know sometimes I can be mean and horrible to you. I hope you know I do not mean it.
@Sam - Thanks for everything Sam. Sorry again for letting you down. You are a very nice guy. Thanks for keeping me out of trouble most of the time.
I am sorry if I have not said you these are the people who I can think off the top of my head I know there are many more. I will be editing if I think you have helped me out.
Before I end the post I would like to say I have read the rules and revised them like a bitch while I have been banned. I am hopefully going to make a Ban Appeal if I get the right support I need. And of course please leave some feedback I think I need it.
I hope you guys understand and can forgive me I am trying my best to change. Before I go...
This is not a Ban Appeal
Thank you guys so much for all your help. It honestly means so much to me. I hope to see you all on the server after my ban is over.
Stay safe!