Sorry to the community

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So my record on bans and warnings is terrible, this is because I am a experience learner this means I learn from experiencing things. So anyway all my bans have in some way helped me because I learned from them. I want to apologise to the community about the rules I have broken and hope that I can from now on improve my gameplay. I want to say thanks to everyone who has RPed with me and given me tips and explained some rules a bit better or maybe broken a rules and got warned yourself.

I just really want to start fresh with everyone and to say I'm sorry because its the only good PERP server and I want to stay.
An easy way to not get yourself banned or warned is to keep yourself away from heated roleplay situations. Double read the rules and make sure any slips you do make you account for.

At the end of the day; we all make mistakes it's just how you correct them.
You really need to try and sort it out, you can do it you just need to try making this thread is just the start of not being a rule breaker if you try hard and read the rules alot you will learn them.

Trust me just read the rules over and over and you will do it.

Good Luck!
Want a tip, go ask @MrAaron to help you out, he's normally willing to give you a hand with the rules, he helped me back a couple of months ago when he helped me learn the rules and practise them to a better extent.
I would recommend finding a nice active organization to join. Doing so will allow you to stay out of trouble (if you have a good leader) and while staying out of trouble gives you room to have a little fun. find applications on the forum tab or ask someone in game. Yea.....Ok.....Good.;)
Josh, don't worry it's not just you that makes mistakes and has a bad ban record, I also have one with 5 bans and trust me mine is a lot worse considering I broke 3.4 quite a lot. Like you said, the best way to learn is learning from your mistakes and let's hope you can do it this time and not do what I did by getting banned 24 hours I got unbanned for the same reason twice. Since you don't have a really bad record like 11 bans like some people then you definitely have time to justify your self and improve your roleplaying. I really admire your effort to put things right, like what I'm going to try to do after my ban because now is the time so please don't mess it up and get it into the trouble I'm in.

Good luck in improving bud!