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What is a sound cunt?:

THIS is a sound cunt, and so are all of these people!
"Scottish Term of endearment;

Someone who is a genuinely good person.
"Aye, a know John. He's a sound cunt""

Here's a list of sound cunts.

@Sorle top cunt, One of my first mates on PERP, sound lad and was a sick moderator. Will never forget backstabbing and gunning down shitter orgs with this guy. CERTIFIED SOUND CUNT.

@Aero Saved this cunt from a shitter org, absolute SOUND Cunt, another long time friend of mine on the server. OG PERP Trap. SOUND CUNT

@FatGeorge Used to hate and target this fat retard, tbh hes still a fat retard, but he's a SOUND Cunt!

@Aquaa used to beef with this serb, But now we chill, and he's a SOUND Cunt! Top bloke and has never cheated.

@Jamal Free this cunt from his forum ban, absolute SOUND Cunt! Taught him all the tips and tricks on capturing a goth gf and I wish for him to find himself a proper dirty one.

@JER Top lad, Had some of my best PERP memories with megalolis. SOUND CUNT.

@Creepis not bad for a sausage munching german tbh, and worst of all, he's also a Turk! Gross! But he Taught me everything I need to know about Girls Frontline and introduced me to weeb memes. Top quality sound doner cunt!

@Duffy absolutely a sound cunt, despite being a g*y. Duffy is everyones favourite forum goblin. Top sound cunt.

@glacial quality lad considering he's MEXICAN. Top geeza, Was in a few orgs with him back in the day and didn't even realise til last year.

@jjjackier Sound cunt, knows all the JoJo's MeMe jokes that all the kids are sharing.

@zansa Sound cunt, but if you make a pewdiepie PERP parody again I'm putting you in the dirt bro.

@ICEKILLER_99 Sound cunt this one for a bulgarian. Mad lad aim. Might be cheating tbh, Demo request him ASAP.

@Wiki Failed taliban of scottish origin. Is very loud and puberty is hitting him harder than I once hoped his dad did. He'll sound like fucking shrek in a year.

@Dom_ Sound cunt this one. Shoots like he'd die IRL if he dies on PERP. Quality SENIOR Moderator who should have been given admin before half the staff team grew out of nappies.

@Kenty will put you in a spliff, but he's a SOUND CUNT!

@Billy Fucking Ray Absolute SOUND CUNT, but don't let him near the sniff, he's got that dyson nose for cocaine.

@AlexDunsシ SOUND CUNT, I suggest all the Egirls on PERP go to this guy if they're new and want to be put off the server entirely.

@Collier is a sound cunt despite being german. Saved me years of embarassment by beating me in the CoD election of 2019. Also, IM HUNGRY.

@Daigestive sound lad, despite being welsh.

@Tinky is a sound cunt, Hope he doesn't cheat again.

@Strobez Sound cunt, but cheated again, so we won't see him on the server again.

@Inchs Sound cunt, reformed faster than Hussain Bolt wanks. Top quality moderator.

@Generic Twat odd bloke this one.

@DANIEL_ Top geeza, he lost doe. Sound cunt.

@Mallard Sound cunt, Keeps me from having to look at reddit by sending me all the good stuff from reddit.

@peemnaja Sound cunt, can fix you a ladyboy faster than a bloke from essex can fix you a spliff of spice.

@Alexi ツ Another one of my first mates on PERP, Top quality SOUND CUNT!

@thehomelessdude Sound cunt, whispers so he doesn't wake his parents up, top quality OG Megaloli.

@Code Monkey who didn't just paypal me $200 to join this list. SOUND CUNT, ENFORCER MATERIAL.

@Sossa Sound cunt, total cigan though.

@Rayz Sound cunt, hope your blisters from about 4 months of constant crafting heal up soon

@Synatec Sound cunt, fucking druggo.

@Firuz132 Sound cunt for a foreigner. Actual taliban IRL btw look out guys!

@bobo Sound cunt, top bloke, once fought a guy with a long object of some sort and oranges too.

List incomplete, Will add more users l8r.

Free @MAGE , @Atomic , @Taylor

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Mage is a sound cunt except for when he is trolling me and ruining my league of legends experience
if he doesn't ruin it someone else will, there's no getting out of it
@Aquaa used to beef with this serb, But now we chill, and he's a SOUND Cunt! Top bloke and has never cheated.
has never cheated.


@Duffy absolutely a sound cunt, despite being a g*y. Duffy is everyones favourite forum goblin. Top sound cunt.

I don't use this term often, other than when describing myself.

But you sir

are a true



Just like I'll forever be known as the guy who sold porn on the server. Tags stick :(