Splint to fix a crippled leg

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Discussion Post: https://perpheads.com/threads/splint-to-fix-a-crippled-leg.25953/

Main Idea: Having a craftable splint to fix a crippled leg

Full description of the idea:
Craftable splints that can be made out of materials or something which temporarily fixes your leg until a timer or your legs are shot at (for instance 3 minutes). Could be a little notification to say when the splint has worn off. We all know the aids of having a crippled leg, you may as well just die with it being so slow. They could maybe be used every so often so they're not spammed and completely removing the function of broken legs ( I know that was the issue that XQ brought up before but, there is ways around it)

Why should it be added?: During a gunfight or something, a lot of the time, people find themselves constantly crippled from being shot in the leg. Everyone knows the struggle and how aids a crippled leg can be, especially in a shootout. So with this idea, to prevent people being crippled instantly during a gun fight and narrowing their chances of survival, have a craftable splint or something to fix the leg. With the new addition of TFU and things, officers are going to be a lot more dangerous as they've got much larger guns therefore reducing the survival of civilians. To kind of, counter balance things, without any of it being too 'OP' just have a splint that repairs the leg.

- Works for a civilian and an LEO
- More time for things like gun fights so you don't just get shot in the leg instantly and have to be crippled the whole way through a gunfights.
- Adds another item to the medical side of things, for instance the job as well, not only bandages and stimpacks but this as well.
- Useful

- None at all that I can think of, feel free to utilize the comment or post function and add some possible cons.

*Other additions: Maybe there could be a model for it or some what, with XQ making this new update or an animation for it. It's a good opportunity to kind of fit it in within this time period with all this new development.


Idea was Rafxl_'s so I'm kind of just posting it on his behalf
Creds to Adrish and MachineGunO as well
I understand that I am bumping this post but only because it's getting ridiculous, it has been over a year since there was even a reply to this and it is honestly such a crucial topic.

I find it extremely ridiculous that just one bullet to your fucking leg drops your chances of survival to that of Hiroshima and fucking Nagasaki. At the moment, until our beautiful developers release a big update, PERP is only fun for the shoot-outs; and having something like this just completely ruins the situation and it can be avoided as well as controlled in a good manner. Yes, I have died recently because I had the mobility of Stephen Hawking and after 100 times of it happening I felt I should take it here. I am well sick and tired of skinhead police officers with 1 pistol marksmanship shooting my toe out and crippling me; add splints please.

Thank you, long live perp.
Yes please! It sucks to get handicapped in a shootout because a bullet catches your leg and makes u move like a turtle. This can solve the annoyance for both civilians and the PD! Much like bandages they would be craft able for civilians, while directly available for the police in their kit! Maybe requiring a certain first aid level for civilians to use? Who knows!
+support once ur crippled in a shootout ur guaranteed dead because criminals dont have combat medics. would be gr8 thx
Look, something that is actually useful.
What is that?
Considering how talking to the medics to fix legs if ur wanted tells the police i think there should be some way of fixing your legs rather than starting shootouts every time you go to get em fixed.
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