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I think, there wold be more 1 gov job, it is a spy. Isnt like ss, because ss only protects the mayor. A spy wold spy people, buildings.... He can be infiltrated in bank... Only gov can see he has a spy, all other people see him like s simple citizen. I think its a good idea;)
Aaah an undercover agent would create some interesting rp situations indeed :o
can you please give us more informations, i am not sure what do you expect from a spy! what can he/she do?
This sounds remarkably close to the FBI thread that was recently made, and including the same problems as that... As Menta said, we need more information of what the job would actually do, because like I said in that thread, citizens should be reporting to police any illegal activity that they see so having an undercover cop seems like the job would be doing essentially that. Also people would claim so much fail on others thinking they were citizens when in fact they aren't. And in the demos people post it would show them looking like a citizen too so it would make it almost impossible for admins to review them properly. So I just see several problems with this idea, but if you'd care to explain more of what you'd like it to be, I'm willing to listen.
StephenPuffs said:
This sounds remarkably close to the FBI thread that was recently made, and including the same problems as that... As Menta said, we need more information of what the job would actually do, because like I said in that thread, citizens should be reporting to police any illegal activity that they see so having an undercover cop seems like the job would be doing essentially that. Also people would claim so much fail on others thinking they were citizens when in fact they aren't. And in the demos people post it would show them looking like a citizen too so it would make it almost impossible for admins to review them properly. So I just see several problems with this idea, but if you'd care to explain more of what you'd like it to be, I'm willing to listen.
The spy isnt like FBI, the spy spys people , infiltrates in gangs...... Spy buildings with drugs...can be in bank to arst people... All for the mayor
StephenPuffs said:
This sounds remarkably close to the FBI thread that was recently made, and including the same problems as that... As Menta said, we need more information of what the job would actually do, because like I said in that thread, citizens should be reporting to police any illegal activity that they see so having an undercover cop seems like the job would be doing essentially that. Also people would claim so much fail on others thinking they were citizens when in fact they aren't. And in the demos people post it would show them looking like a citizen too so it would make it almost impossible for admins to review them properly. So I just see several problems with this idea, but if you'd care to explain more of what you'd like it to be, I'm willing to listen.
There's a lot of flaws with how optimistic you are about it, sorry to say. 1) People rarely would let randomers in to grow with them or anything, and if you turned out to be the "spy" no one would ever trust you again 2) Nothing stops you from spying on buildings either as police as citizen, but you need a warrant with evidence to enter someone's residence 3) So what.. You're always a hostage? Then what? Suddenly go SURPRISE! and pull cuffs out of nowhere to arrest the person? (even though you can't handcuff someone that has a gun out) So I just don't see how this idea really benefits anyone, and seems to do what's already possible as citizen, it wouldn't be worth the city's funds to pay for someone to do these things, citizens should just report illegal activity they see now.
StephenPuffs said:
This sounds remarkably close to the FBI thread that was recently made, and including the same problems as that... As Menta said, we need more information of what the job would actually do, because like I said in that thread, citizens should be reporting to police any illegal activity that they see so having an undercover cop seems like the job would be doing essentially that. Also people would claim so much fail on others thinking they were citizens when in fact they aren't. And in the demos people post it would show them looking like a citizen too so it would make it almost impossible for admins to review them properly. So I just see several problems with this idea, but if you'd care to explain more of what you'd like it to be, I'm willing to listen.
Ok :( np :(
I think, it shouldn't be an official job. People could just pay for a person to spy on someone, for example: Spying on an org, joining them and gathering information.
And the person who wanted him to spy pay him for it, that's how it should be, in my opinion.
F.B.I - Federal Bureal of Investigation: The faction job idea of this could be that they are like the SS and the SWAT Section but they will example: do more situations example FBI Agent is an higher ranked than an Chief of Police (IN A TOWN), so an FBI Supervising officer/agent could lead example a raid, for example, or for usage of FBI, cybernet attacks,terrorist treaths, example a terrorist plants a bomb FBI would work as an BOMB Squad the same time, they could do alot of stuff, example to help in raids,and on the end of the day send a report to the mayor,

the official part of this FBI Faction could be used in many situations, F.B.I Agents are undercover as they do work as double jobs, example they are FBI but the same time the sell information where is a certain guy example.

I made this Comment fast so please dont whine about the grammar problems :), all the best on reading it,
ok but... there is another idea about FBI. But why now people only look to this Topic?! this was posted like 1 mounth ago
Napoleon Bonaparte said:
ok but... there is another idea about FBI. But why now people only look to this Topic?! this was posted like 1 mounth ago
Becaus, this is an idealistic topic
Napoleon Bonaparte said:
ok but... there is another idea about FBI. But why now people only look to this Topic?! this was posted like 1 mounth ago
It's because I replied to it so it went to the top :P
Napoleon Bonaparte said:
ok but... there is another idea about FBI. But why now people only look to this Topic?! this was posted like 1 mounth ago
...thx very much max.....
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