SS - PD punishments

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Under Lewis088's bed
Description of the idea: Stop getting PD punishments for SS shit (idea stolen from sorle)

Why should this be added? (pros): Makes SS more fun and stops you getting demoted for doing something that you weren't even a cop for, another reason is that it makes no sense either seen as if it 'NLR' switching jobs then why should punishments be carried over to a new life?

What negatives could this have? Could create a lot more minges in SS but would be a lot more fun and put a lot less edge on people trying to have some fun role playing as a body guard, another is that the punishments will have to change, but they could just be a ban or kick or demotion from ss for a period of time, this stops players being punished in the PD because of SS stuff which is completely irrelevant

*Other additions: Just think how much better SS will be... ANYTHING SS RELATED SHOULD BE DEALT WITH BY A SENIOR COMMAND IN THE PLPD OR STAFF.

*Images: N/A
i got an infraction for comparing a captains name with poop in spanish as secret service. I will not disclose the name but i could do a slayerduck on the PD with a compilation of memery, mingery and blatant RDM evidence on them but my sheer hatred against IA prevents me from doing so.

Burn IA to the ground. the code of ethics can fuck my ass @PLPD Professional Standards
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This was implemented because brainlets prefer to minge about as SS rather than take their job seriously. Effectively put in place so that they can be held responsible for utilising their police powers.

Yet, this went too far, I really pushed for this originally but only expected officers to be liable for actions they conducted using the powers of a LEO, not for being rude to a higher ranking officer, who would not know you’re SS unless you identified yourself.

This seems more like an IA reform than an SS reform
Then SS shouldnt have exemption from the Law in any manner, they shouldn’t have handcuffs, guns or the ability to detain.

That’s where the problem lies, they’re given all the equipment and abilities of a LEO and they should be held accountable when they use them
i agree the whole point of SS is to just meme around. if you blindfire on birds that should be dealth with in character through staff. they're litteraly security guards so just give them a carry permit or some shit and treat them like normal citizens
@Sneaky I agree with the abolishment of IA and staff enforcement of rule 4.1. Yet giving them any abilities as a LEO means they should be held accountable to their actions tbf

but that’s not for this thread
@Sneaky the point of SS is to roleplay from another perspective, not to fuck around. But its indeed a bit dumb that you can get PD infractions as SS.
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@Kempotent I do understand that but IRL they aren’t a retarded 12 year old with a god complex.

If we don’t hold them responsible then we should take away their abilities of a Leo, such as exemption from the law, detainment etc

also, they’re a type of law enforcement officer specialised in protecting the mayor and concealing their identity
@Kempotent also you’re suggesting we remove this from law 3.12 (Secret Service agents employed by the government to protect the mayor hold the powers of an LEO when the safety of the mayor is in direct and imminent danger.)
You can't repair what is designated to be a failure. You can only hold it up. The PLPD is a collapsing building who's supports will eventually rust away.
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