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Main Idea: Make SS great again

Full description of the idea: So, I don't know when but like two years ago the SS lost the ability to use the MAC-11. Ever since the SS is under powered in a city where every criminal has a automatic gun and the SS only have simple pistols.

Why should it be added?: Giving back SS with SO+ rank the ability to use some kind of automatic firearm that is not shit-18 glock-18 will give the mayor and SS better chance to survive assassination attempt on the mayor.

so the list of options are (listed from good to worse to bad):
  1. UMP 45
  2. MP5/10
  3. MP5K
  4. MP5
  5. MP9
  6. MP7
  7. UZI <-- would be cool with a mustache (see photo below)
  8. MAC-11
list of options are (listed from cool to least cool):
  1. UZI
  2. MP5K
  3. MP4/10
  4. MP5
  5. MAC-11
  6. MP7
  7. MP9
  8. UMP 45
  1. looking cool protecting the mayor with a mustache.
  2. being able to better fight against attackers
  3. looking cool
  4. less dead mayor
Cons: high taxes

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You have armor, access to double-upgraded cadillacs (I think), panic button and access to government radio which you can use to get officers on scene within like 30 seconds and you want SMG’s? When there is a reason to assassinate the mayor you’ll likely be hiding in some shitty corner of the map or holed up im CH pressing your panic button everytime u hear the elevator.

No no no and absolutely not. The weapons you are suggesting to add are about the equivalent of what Tactical Firearms Officers have when they are in Light gear and you are proposing that we give people that may not even be ranked Officer the access to powerful SMG’s? No. The only way I would support this if it was limited to high-ranked TFO’s who are on duty as SS if possible.

Otherwise thanos would not approve and it would create an imbalance.
Even so, if this were to get implemented (which i dont think it should or will) I would only trust it to be for officers ranked sergeant or above and in TFU
Odly enough as I was reading this I thought about the Regan assassination attempt and after scrolling down I saw it came to your head too.

I agree though at least give them the Mac, most who go SS can't shoot for shit anyway :booty:
Giving back SS with SO+ rank the ability to use some kind of automatic firearm

I do like the suggestion, but the quote given above makes me quite dislike it. The server and experiences shouldn't run off the basis of the Police Dept ranking. If you are a Secret Service agent, you should have the ability to select from the weapons supplied and the mayor should be able to set up some form of limit to sub-machine guns being taken out and they can be quite costly (?).

Whilst yes, it can be abused or something along those lines but we can say that in many, many circumstances and so having the ability to limit them is quite useful; if we were to implement the premium access into it (those with premium can get a submachine gun) it'd make it more accessible in some circumstances as the Secret Service is completely seperate to the Police Dept.

As a whole, I do like the idea but the way of actually accessing the weapon should have a different path.
The secret service job is a role, in my opinion, that would require concealable SMG's. In my Opinion, the MP9, MP5K and / or MP7 should be available to SS agents and no other primary weapon suits the role better than those 2 guns for SS Agents as:

- If you know what you're doing those 2 firearms can prove very effective for this job
- the 20 round capacity makes it more of a challenge to use in firefights with multiple armed suspects and that will provide the balance factor
- Even at 100 SMG marks, both of these guns are still quite limited in effective range, leaving specialist defence roles, such as marksman / countersniper to be handled by the PD if needed.

The gun should spawn with an optional compensator and an eotech micro holo sight, to fit with the general theme of the gun needing to be concealable for SS Agents.

Full size "carbine" Sub machine guns would NOT Work because:

- Walking around with a sub machine gun on your back or in your hands is a sure fire way of exposing yourself as an SS Agent, when the job requires a tactical approach and remaining undercover, something impossible to do with a weapon visible on your back.
- At high marksmanship, UMP45's and other pistol calibre carbines would be highly effective at long range, which could negate the need for TFU in the event of long range shooters
- Having a fully automatic, virtually recoilless weapon effective at all general ranges and a 30 round magazine would make mayoral assassinations in general incredibly difficult
- Keeping them in a trunk in the same way a Cpl+ has to keep a shotgun in the trunk would be useless as SS agents are required to spontaneously act in favour of the mayors life
- Most SS Agent's aren't even whitelisted as officers and even if they are have no actual training with sub machine guns unless they use them as civilians.
- Giving SS Agents full sized combat weapons might encourage them to act and behave as though they are tactical firearms officers.

Overall, the idea of giving SS agents full sized combat weapons is unnecessary, but the concealed SMG's would work very well for the role of SS.
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