Staff having the ability to blacklist people from crowbarring cars.

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Description of the idea:
Give staff the ability to revoke someone’s ability to crowbar a car.

People seem to be stealing super cars solely to wreck them, and they get off Scot free or at least with a minor punishment. Staff should have the ability to revoke people’s ability to crowbar a car.

Stealing a car comes with little to no benefit, and in stopping people from being able to crowbar a Car, maybe people who like stealing cars would have more incentive to not Paddy McGuiness every P1 and Zonda they can reach.

There should be a limit on how long staff can set a blacklist for, depending on their rank.

CLARIFICATION: You will still be able to use crowbars on doors, and to break people out of police cars and cuffs, but not to steal a car.
Why should this be added? (pros):
A simple solution to a years old issue

What negatives could this have? (cons):
Potential for misuse​
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Restricting role play as a punishment is not something that is healthy for the community. The first problem I see with this is that it would not really be used. Maybe it would be used on 1-2 players and then never touched again. So the short development time could have gone to something else.

Additionally, if someone wrecks a car on purpose while stealing it, surely they should be forced to pay for the repairs? That is at least what I did when I was staff. Going down this road, would just result in us having 1000 different blacklists, there are more areas where this would be needed if so, such as breaking people out of cuffs infront of cops. If someone wrecks your car on purpose, for no valid reason. Report it to staff, and if you feel the punishment is not enough, make a staff complaint.
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