Staff Resignation

Reaction score

I'm sure many have noticed that I have started to get quite inactive in-game and therefore I have chosen to resign from staff rather than just sitting in a position that someone else potentially could have or just bringing down the performance overall.

I'll still be around and will still be working with @Dom_ & @Brikaas In patrol command, this just gives me more time to focus on this rather than worrying about as many other factors.

Been great working alongside all the other staff, definitely one of my highlights throughout.

fuck man I'm gonna miss you, really sad I never truly got to see you as staff, you've always been a good guy and there's no doubt in my mind that you were a good staff member.

best of luck with your future endeavours.
This breaks my heart a little bit man...

Hendricks, you pushed and motivated me into carrying on and applying for Enfocer and you supported me the whole way, you are respected and loved by the people and I honestly just wanted you to stick around as staff but everyone’s time and factors effect everything. Thank you so much for taking your time to work as staff and to help and bring joy to the people. I salute to you!
Thanks for all the work and effort you put in as a staff member.Sad to see you step down from a staff position,you are the one of my favourite staff member.It’s been lots of fun having you in this community.

whats more important now is we can now minge together
Man...I wasn't expecting this nor am I happy with it :angery:

When I came back to perp around June/July, you and @Collier were one of the first people who I interacted with. Having not known you previously, we clicked together so well and always had amazing experiences which brought me back to PERP every day looking forward to playing with you again. I want to thank you so much, because I wouldn't be where I am today without your help and motivation. This stands tall ESPECIALLY for my PD rank; you helped me with every question I had and made sure I was going on the right track to get my corporal rank back. Another similar situation to this was also me becoming an Enforcer, @Collier and yourself (yet again) brought back that internal flame of me wanting to eventually become a staff member and I wouldn't have accomplished it without you. Today, I'm a Lieutenant of TFU and a Moderator (no shit?) but I am certain that I would not have made it to either one of these positions had you not been there for me. It is unfortunate that we both looked forwards to me getting staff however we didn't interact much on the server after I did due to the fact with you being caught up in other games and IRL responsibilities.

Thank you, sincerely, for everything you've done for me and the community.
Sad to see you resign Hendricks :( One of very few that didn't change as soon as they got their staff rank. Didn't gain an ego, or think he was better than anyone, just got on as he was previously. Was a pleasure, come back when you're active again <3
smh my head :(
Your staff days will never be forgotten senor Hendork
And you will sure do fine work in our little Patrol Command as you sire did fine work as staff.

Shame to see you go as staff, but you arn't leaving. It was a wise and mature choice and we are happy to have you in our Command team @Dom_

blame whoever promoted him to Director on that arma rp community
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oh man, you were one of the great staff members and i hope you'll stick around with us so i won't miss ya, #Honory4Hendricks
sad to see you go, feels like you left a hole in the community from many peoples responses. good luck with future endeavours!