Staff's Phsygun colour.

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Topic: Phsygun colours (vip,moderator)

Short explanation (in notes):
-...Change the colour of vip or moderator to orange or purple etc.
-...The light blue and dark blue are too look alike
-...Because of this people act like they are staff and its bloody annoying.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Yesterday when i was a swat i saw someone (Sofie Vanish) that was running away ( i was called to the situation) from the cops and suddenly she pulled her phsygun out , acting like she was a staff member on purpose and told me the ''rules'' . I had to return to the PD and when i came there and re-asked about the situation it was apperently a bunch of bullshit what she told me and she ruined the RP situation.

And i know this is probably not the only person that pulled the phsygun out to show off an imaginary staff rank or atleast pretent he or she is higher in rank when its not really a staff member at all.
You can't say no to a staff member because they are always right but regular vips,civilians on the server may have it wrong here and there and can cause a failrp situation so thats why.

The only thing that should be changed is the vip or moderator phsygun colour from dark blue to orange maybe or something else?

Regards: Shortyzz (Dominic Johnsen)

Optional additions:
All phys guns are colour coded, like helper is yellow so they get a yellow phys gun etc. You should be able to tell, mod have a dark blue and VIP have light blue it's easy to see the difference. I don't think anything needs to be changed. Also, people don't have to be staff to tell you what you did wrong anyone can do that, they're making the server a better place and away from rulebreakers.

The ranks match the physics gun colour. Moderator is dark blue and Enforcer is light blue. Staff Members have a glow around their physics gun, however normal players do not.
Well i think you got a really good point, sometimes its hard for some people to see what the diffrence is and purple would be much more clear indeed.
At the other hand just report the people that are playing staff member with their pshyics gun.
Also if people dont bellieve we are mod's we just pick them up.
Just like Alex said its not needed if people pretend to be a Staff member just report them to a real staff member.

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