A more in depth rule system

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Deleted member 1321

Hello! My name is Diego and i'd like to share my thoughts with you guys.
Over the recent month me and some of my gaming friends have been playing on this Perp server!
We went from pretty much grayshirt newbies to driving around in luxury cars owning pretty much anything and everyone within just 5 days of playtime. We are all former high ranked CSGO players and experienced RP'ers (Dark RP, BIZ RP, PERP 1-2) so we've had no problems taking over the server at all, pretty much all our raids work out even tough we are outnumbered and when we've gotten raided the past few weeks all we lost is bullets, but we gained weapons..
But one thing we noticed more clearly recently is that the admins must hate how we are turning this server into ours and we see a huge problem in being able to play the game we want.

Now be honest with me are we here to grow drugs, get money and weapons, nice cars and all that to raid people with. Or... are we here to run around and pretend that we're some grown up man, selling apples in bazar or generally rping seriously, i mean i have a real life. I don't need garrys'mod to /me wave or /me opens door. I play games to do the things i can't do in real life don't i?

Now the majority of this servers staff is 16 y/o or younger, and i believe that reflects fully on the enforcing of rules.
So where do i want to go with this big post? Well i believe not all admins are acting professionally!
My explanation to that is connected with the name of this forum post.
The recent unfair activity we've been feeling coming from staff members are that we are treated based on our threat. Rule 1.4, 2.1, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.6 for example are generally to wide to be fit into one rule. When it comes to us raiding an admin for example, or going into a police rp situation with an admin, they can always bend and twist the rules for their advantage, because maybe they don't like us! Read those rules and think about them, you could say in a long perspective way that anything fits into one of those rules...

Now this is not something we're just feeling, i've had long thoughts about this, like "can it really be like this" "am i just trying to blame my rule breaking on someone?". But the sad truth about this staff is that some, im not saying all, are acting bias and are not treating everyone with proper respect, now i can provide more exact examples of this if the thread don't get deleted as soon as an admin sees it, that would be ironic ;)
It's all just critique, remember that.

Also its hard to follow the template since it's not really that kind of a suggestion, i'd say moderators could move the post to maybe off topic! You should get a general discussions forum!
Edit: Maybe General Information or Server Discussion would fit, i can't tell. Again so unclear
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I'm not going to get in a full fledged argument with you, so I'm just going to state my critique.
First off, this server is for, "Generally rp'ing seriously," that's why it's a Perp server. In case you didn't know, but Perp is serious role-play. Also, you can't just go running into raids as you said, completely outnumbered, and expect to succeed, it's called 3.4, so there's some more evidence on that subject. Perp isn't anything like DarkRP or Biz-RP, so get that straight. Two, I'm almost sure you made this because you were pissed that me and Ayjay were, "Backseat administrating," as you called it earlier, and what that would state us as is people who just sit around at admin sits and blurt out stuff while the admin is talking. And since there were no admins on and we were both resigned administrators, we took control. Most of the staff team isn't younger than 16. A lot of them are 20 and older. The ones that do happen to be younger than 16, including myself, are pretty mature, resulting in there staff rank. The amount of rules that you broke today was highly unacceptable, and if I hadn't resigned, you would have been permanently banned by now. I'd also like to say that in now way or how are any staff members, "Bending or twisting the rules," as it is just immoral. No matter what job I was or rank, today I still would have talked to you about what you did. Possibly the reasoning behind you thinking this is because you are just breaking the rules, not realizing it, then getting upset when an Admin talks about it to you and you think that you are doing everything right and the admin is all wrong and should be demoted.

Well I have some news for you, if you have a problem with a certain admin, ex-admin, player, or anyone in direct, then don't go posting a thread about how you are all right and they are all wrong and making yourself seem so innocent and crap like that, go and speak to Swiper, Bolli, or any of the Owners.

That sir, is my, "Critique."
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I'm not going to get in a full fledged argument with you, so I'm just going to state my critique.
First off, this server is for, "Generally rp'ing seriously," that's why it's a Perp server. In case you didn't know, but Perp is serious role-play. Perp isn't anything like DarkRP or Biz-RP, so get that straight. Two, I'm almost sure you made this because you were pissed that me and Ayjay were, "Backseat administrating," as you called it earlier, and what that would state us as is people who just sit around at admin sits and blurt out stuff while the admin is talking. And since there were no admins on and we were both resigned administrators, we took control. Most of the staff team isn't younger than 16. A lot of them are 20 and older. The ones that do happen to be younger than 16, including myself, are pretty mature, resulting in there staff rank. The amount of rules that you broke today was highly unacceptable, and if I hadn't resigned, you would have been permanently banned by now. I'd also like to say that in now way or how are any staff members, "Bending or twisting the rules," as it is just immoral. No matter what job I was or rank, today I still would have talked to you about what you did. Possibly the reasoning behind you thinking this is because you are just breaking the rules, not realizing it, then getting upset when an Admin talks about it to you and you think that you are doing everything right and the admin is all wrong and should be demoted.

Well I have some news for you, if you have a problem with a certain admin, ex-admin, player, or anyone in direct, then don't go posting a thread about how you are all right and they are all wrong and making yourself seem so innocent and crap like that, go and speak to Swiper, Bolli, or any of the Owners.

That sir, is my, "Critique."
Im not really the snitch kinda guy, i'd rather have everything solved at once face to face kinda guy.. Like when someone breakes a rule and i report it admins, they should come immediately and take care of it but they just go "post a br" or when in these kind of situations like this post, all im gonna get is "post an admin complaint". I can state atleast 3-5 honest reasons why i believe what i wrote in op but i just really can't be arsed man, if this escalates and i get some help from my friends i will maybe put time into bringing proper examples, for now i just want my opinion stated and see if anyone in the community can relate to it
Okay, so from reading this I gain this knowledge
so we've had no problems taking over the server at all
Until a few days ago, I've never heard of you..

luxury cars owning pretty much anything and everyone

You... you have a skyline.

The recent unfair activity we've been feeling coming from staff members are that we are treated based on our threat

You're.. you're currently banned.
The fact that i was just banned for killing an officer that killed my friend in front of my eyes shows that admins take ayjay and blackdowns opinions more serious than me cause they are previous admins....
I got this video sent to me by a guy named Higuys a few weeks ago, i wanted to post it at the right time, this is definately it. That is apparently Joshua bishop who is now banned and his older brother Michael who is a server admin
Also Xaviors previous BR on Ayjay was a clear rulebreaking from ayjay but admins twisted it so Xavior got a warning for it :)
Maybe they take them more serious because they aren't rule breakers.

And seriously "taking over the server" all your doing is killing cops for tickets besides being overly cocky you and your friends need to relies you need to take serious rp serious you don't have to do "/me open door" but you do need common sense no one would risk going to jail for a traffic ticket.

I suggest you take this as a wakeup call if you plan on playing on this server again and instead of posting crap like this you can take your ban and think about what your doing wrong.
Alright let's go over this in its entirety.

Rangad said:
We went from pretty much grayshirt newbies to driving around in luxury cars owning pretty much anything and everyone within just 5 days of playtime.
Playing 5 days is obviously enough to have accumulated a fair sum if your sole intention is to make money and buy cars, instead of going for the full roleplay experience. Which really takes any fun out of it as you have no interaction with other players and hide away in your own little world.

Rangad said:
We are all former high ranked CSGO players...
What difference of what rank you are on CS:GO? Really has no bearing here whatsoever, considering that is only point and click killing, no thought process.

Rangad said:
...experienced RP'ers (Dark RP, BIZ RP, PERP 1-2) so we've had no problems taking over the server at all...
DarkRP, BizRP, and even PERP 1.0/2.0 hardly constitute a great RP background in all honesty, it depends more on the servers you have played on and how much they enforced you to act seriously. Also I would definitely not say you've taken over the server, considering the server isn't run by people who simply are able to kill the most people, that type of attitude is what typically gets people banned in a hurry as they are generally too trigger happy to take roleplay seriously.

Rangad said:
...pretty much all our raids work out even tough we are outnumbered and when we've gotten raided the past few weeks all we lost is bullets, but we gained weapons...
Is it really that surprising you are able to raid other players? I mean do you not know the saying "the key to the best defense is a good offense?" As well as, by RP standards, people aren't meant to be standing at their door waiting for people to barge in with guns, so clearly you doing so would take most people off guard, and an easy take over. Realistically speaking if you know the people on the other side of a door have heavier weapons than you, then you are risking your own life by entering their property, which as civilian is not allowed, as it violates the rule stating you should value your own life. Respawning is not something you should be thinking of when you charge head long into a fight, as by SeriousRP standards, you have no next life.

Rangad said:
Now be honest with me are we here to grow drugs, get money and weapons, nice cars and all that to raid people with. Or... are we here to run around and pretend that we're some grown up man, selling apples in bazar or generally rping seriously, i mean i have a real life. I don't need garrys'mod to /me wave or /me opens door. I play games to do the things i can't do in real life don't i?
This paragraph makes absolutely zero sense to anyone. You come on the server simply to make money, which I might add is something you can do in real life so why do it here? Judging by your last sentence it makes that aspect irrelevant. So you can't always be a police officer / medic / firefighter in real life, perhaps you should try that sometime then too if your mindset is to do things you are unable to in real life.

Rangad said:
Now the majority of this servers staff is 16 y/o or younger, and i believe that reflects fully on the enforcing of rules... Well i believe not all admins are acting professionally!
If you honestly feel any admin is not doing their duty properly, there are easy outlets for you to post your concern which is only visible to high ranking staff members, and will be dealt with promptly. Also age has nothing to do with this as people of any age can show a certain level of maturity which places them in more of a position to make better calls in situations than others.

Rangad said:
The recent unfair activity we've been feeling coming from staff members are that we are treated based on our threat. Rule 1.4, 2.1, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.6 for example are generally to wide to be fit into one rule. When it comes to us raiding an admin for example, or going into a police rp situation with an admin, they can always bend and twist the rules for their advantage, because maybe they don't like us! Read those rules and think about them, you could say in a long perspective way that anything fits into one of those rules...
As I have said to many people, and just to repeat myself again. If we make rules directly specific then we run the risk of people trying to use the excuse of "but it doesn't say that in the rules" so we can't cover every possible scenario that may come up. So your suggestion of trying to narrow the rules obviously has far more negative effects than positive in all reality. Additionally you are subjected to the same equal rules as all other players, there is no special treatment for anyone. That said, if we're constantly having to deal with someone dying/being severely injured as a direct cause of their own actions, then admins will more likely be talking to them about trying to stay alive as they clearly aren't doing much to do so. Which by your own admission you are going on a lot of raids, those can have a high chance of resulting in your death; so by doing an unnecessary amount of them per day, of course an admin will more than likely penalize you for it with just cause.

Rangad said:
Now this is not something we're just feeling, i've had long thoughts about this, like "can it really be like this" "am i just trying to blame my rule breaking on someone?". But the sad truth about this staff is that some, im not saying all, are acting bias and are not treating everyone with proper respect, now i can provide more exact examples of this if the thread don't get deleted as soon as an admin sees it, that would be ironic
Unless you can specifically point to examples in which an admin acted in appropriately, this is simply slander against the administration team as a whole. And if you can name some, as I stated previously, we have a subforum dedicated solely to that, which you're more than welcome to post in. Simply saying people are doing actions without providing any proof, is both untruthful and disrespectful to everyone involved. You try to make it sound like there's some massive cover up by saying if this thread doesn't get deleted, name any time where a thread was deleted without the OP's permission, was not spam, and/or not a slanderous post.

Rangad said:
It's all just critique, remember that.
Critique implies that you are trying to better something by giving feedback of ways it could be improved. This on the other hand simply seems to me to be a post of you ranting/bragging about what you've done in the server. I honestly fail to see the point in this, because yes some rules are fairly open ended and leaves a fair bit of room of interpretation, but that is precisely why they are that way. With the amount of possible actions a player can take, there is an indefinite amount of scenarios that could play out and we would more than likely not have something that covers it directly. To continue on that, the rules are rather lengthy right now, imagine having to read and understand 100x that much. I doubt you, nor anyone else would ever take the time to read or even understand them then.

Anyways, there's my feeling of what you have said in this, and seems like you wrote this mostly to show off, not to actually advance anything.
Alright let's go over this in its entirety.

Playing 5 days is obviously enough to have accumulated a fair sum if your sole intention is to make money and buy cars, instead of going for the full roleplay experience. Which really takes any fun out of it as you have no interaction with other players and hide away in your own little world.

What difference of what rank you are on CS:GO? Really has no bearing here whatsoever, considering that is only point and click killing, no thought process.

DarkRP, BizRP, and even PERP 1.0/2.0 hardly constitute a great RP background in all honesty, it depends more on the servers you have played on and how much they enforced you to act seriously. Also I would definitely not say you've taken over the server, considering the server isn't run by people who simply are able to kill the most people, that type of attitude is what typically gets people banned in a hurry as they are generally too trigger happy to take roleplay seriously.

Is it really that surprising you are able to raid other players? I mean do you not know the saying "the key to the best defense is a good offense?" As well as, by RP standards, people aren't meant to be standing at their door waiting for people to barge in with guns, so clearly you doing so would take most people off guard, and an easy take over. Realistically speaking if you know the people on the other side of a door have heavier weapons than you, then you are risking your own life by entering their property, which as civilian is not allowed, as it violates the rule stating you should value your own life. Respawning is not something you should be thinking of when you charge head long into a fight, as by SeriousRP standards, you have no next life.

This paragraph makes absolutely zero sense to anyone. You come on the server simply to make money, which I might add is something you can do in real life so why do it here? Judging by your last sentence it makes that aspect irrelevant. So you can't always be a police officer / medic / firefighter in real life, perhaps you should try that sometime then too if your mindset is to do things you are unable to in real life.

If you honestly feel any admin is not doing their duty properly, there are easy outlets for you to post your concern which is only visible to high ranking staff members, and will be dealt with promptly. Also age has nothing to do with this as people of any age can show a certain level of maturity which places them in more of a position to make better calls in situations than others.

As I have said to many people, and just to repeat myself again. If we make rules directly specific then we run the risk of people trying to use the excuse of "but it doesn't say that in the rules" so we can't cover every possible scenario that may come up. So your suggestion of trying to narrow the rules obviously has far more negative effects than positive in all reality. Additionally you are subjected to the same equal rules as all other players, there is no special treatment for anyone. That said, if we're constantly having to deal with someone dying/being severely injured as a direct cause of their own actions, then admins will more likely be talking to them about trying to stay alive as they clearly aren't doing much to do so. Which by your own admission you are going on a lot of raids, those can have a high chance of resulting in your death; so by doing an unnecessary amount of them per day, of course an admin will more than likely penalize you for it with just cause.

Unless you can specifically point to examples in which an admin acted in appropriately, this is simply slander against the administration team as a whole. And if you can name some, as I stated previously, we have a subforum dedicated solely to that, which you're more than welcome to post in. Simply saying people are doing actions without providing any proof, is both untruthful and disrespectful to everyone involved. You try to make it sound like there's some massive cover up by saying if this thread doesn't get deleted, name any time where a thread was deleted without the OP's permission, was not spam, and/or not a slanderous post.

Critique implies that you are trying to better something by giving feedback of ways it could be improved. This on the other hand simply seems to me to be a post of you ranting/bragging about what you've done in the server. I honestly fail to see the point in this, because yes some rules are fairly open ended and leaves a fair bit of room of interpretation, but that is precisely why they are that way. With the amount of possible actions a player can take, there is an indefinite amount of scenarios that could play out and we would more than likely not have something that covers it directly. To continue on that, the rules are rather lengthy right now, imagine having to read and understand 100x that much. I doubt you, nor anyone else would ever take the time to read or even understand them then.

Anyways, there's my feeling of what you have said in this, and seems like you wrote this mostly to show off, not to actually advance anything.
I really cba reading your post its prob really good but from what i got of it you dont know what your talking about and reason for my op nonsense is to wake awareness and get people to think about the problems by getting their attention
Why dont you calm down from your GTA shit we dont want it.

CSGO high rank huh you should join SWAT sorry I just had to XD

Back on topic you are not higher than anyone on this server including me because come on 5 days playtime?
My fully upgraded Citreon C4 with a body kit will probably be worth more than your car and that is worth over 500K. Stop showing off your so called L33T skillz in CSGO and try to RP we are not interested if you can snipe someone with a berreta we are interested if you can RP.
this; "I play games to do the things i can't do in real life don't i?"

I can assure you that every player on the server is playing perp cause of entertainment purposes only, Most of the players like to roleplay on a more serious level than dark rp. Which means that the function /me is truly needed to be able to prevent people from trolling, this is also a way to prevent powergaming and careless roleplay.

For example, everyone have probably been in a situation where there is this guy that types /me ties, which is not correct in anyway the game will punish you for it. No one will truly understand it and ignores the /me function cause it weren't specific enough. As a comparison if you were to search on google ties, ties show up if you were to google tied hands, tied hands show up. So if you were to tie someone up, don't type /me ties you could be tying your shoes or your belt, once again the game will punish you for it!

Golden rule, treat others as you would like to be treated yourself. So if you were to act like most of the rule breakers I report, Screaming like 5y/o or being disrespectful in the adminsit. Thats probably the reason why you got treated "badly", But if you weren't acting like this make an admin complaint.

Now this is not something we're just feeling, i've had long thoughts about this, like "can it really be like this" "am i just trying to blame my rule breaking on someone?". But the sad truth about this staff is that some, im not saying all, are acting bias and are not treating everyone with proper respect, now i can provide more exact examples of this if the thread don't get deleted as soon as an admin sees it, that would be ironic ;)
It's all just critique, remember that.
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I think you don't understand the point of this game mode, serious role-play. Ring a bell, you want to run around and raid people randomly and complain about others trying to role-play, GO PLAY DARKRP MATE! sorry, my temper got the better of me, anyways... yes, this is serious role-play, it is hardly about shooting skill, that is a tiny factor, you got to learn to role-play properly if you wish to remain on the server, and your "Reign" will be short lived if you continue to abuse the rest of the community, because... "We are Strong! And nobody can tell us we're wrong!"
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Alright lets just comment on this. Forgot about it but let's do it.

I just read;
We are all former high ranked CSGO players
And I have to say; I was a DMG or Double AK cannot remember... or even LEM. Anyways this has not helped me with nothing. Oh yeah one thing! Reaction thats what it helped me with but you get that from every single FPS game.
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