Star Citizen, anyone?

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I am surprised that I have not seen anyone talk about Star Citizen on here.
I suggest you check it out:

, myself, am extremely hyped about this game and I can't wait for the release. Would love to hear you guys' opinions.
I have quickly browsed over this game, i love other game's even the least bit similar, like Space Engineers. Will no doubt purchase!
Looks pretty nice. I liked how the developer wants the game to be awesome until release and doesn't rush for the release like the other developers nowadays :)
Ruby;n11319 said:
Looks pretty nice. I liked how the developer wants the game to be awesome until release and doesn't rush for the release like the other developers nowadays :)

That's one of the huge benefits of having a crowd-funded project. There is no publisher to rush the release, and the developers have free hands to create the game that they want to create.
Numse;n11537 said:
That's one of the huge benefits of having a crowd-funded project. There is no publisher to rush the release, and the developers have free hands to create the game that they want to create.

I guess that's why I like Valve's work. They make the game themselves and publish it themselves over Steam. So they don't rush for making the new games for the sequels. (Biggest example: HL3)
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