Steam Christmas Giveaway!

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IKEA - Northern Europe
it's that time of the year when it's time to give back stuff to the people who have made the stay here amazing, I Will be giving 5 games away this christmas and some more games on new years!

So please reply to This thread and tell me what good deed you've done here on PH This year! If you haven't Done anything then you wont have an entry...

Merry Christmas!
I bought a sweater Premium and showed him the main things in PERP, his name is Kyle Wood
I helped my cousin on the server with the basic things and helped other random new people.
Am i on the good list?
I ran over my dogs cat, but it's ok because he hated her, so in the long run I did him a favor and it was a good deed?
I lent you 3 dollars on PayPal when you forgot you didn't have enough money to buy a birthday present for your friend.
I bought premium 4 times and have been nice to everyone i have spoken too
Helped make an unofficial rule preventing muggings for holiday dolls. (At least it was the case when it happened to me.)
Was a beginner buddy for certain prominent people. (*cough* Josef Trapani, Marcus Zeds/Kristina Golan, Yasumichi Katayama(who has joined me in populating the Asians in PH) and a few others.)
Helped commit PH's most co-operative bank raid.
Helped make an unofficial rule preventing muggings for holiday dolls. (At least it was the case when it happened to me.)
Was a beginner buddy for certain prominent people. (*cough* Josef Trapani, Marcus Zeds/Kristina Golan, Yasumichi Katayama(who has joined me in populating the Asians in PH) and a few others.)
Helped commit PH's most co-operative bank raid.
Mugging for holidays dolls has never been allowed but oki

Playing passively, helping out the ones who are poor, giving them lifts to places they'd like to go with my expensive BMW 506.
Introduced two of my friends Ogrank and Synex to perp, Ogrank understood nothing of it and Synex kinda liked it, but would only play when extremely bored, and when his CPU isn't running at toaster levels.

I never liked raiding people anymore, got dull and boring and I don't really want to be the bad guy.
As @Creepis would probably say to this, I play support. hue hue.

I mostly enforce the law as Civ now, maybe not traffic laws as much but I tend to get into it every now and then to just follow every law just like when I'm cop. Not to mention I kinda help out the government if they seem like they really do need it, if an officer is being trapped by a bunch of guys trying to kill him, I'd probably step in with my AK to gift them some of my lead. Because in the end, the government is there to serve and protect you, so why not repay the favor? There's one exception though, it comes under being an organization member, that's the only time I will willingly break laws to help the organization out. That also includes section 8 of paralake law. :p

Neither of the names mentioned have an account on the forums. However my Norwegian friend @TheBlaze liked the gamemode too, this was back in 2014 when I introduced him to the gamemode, but that isn't really from this year though, as you can tell.

Not here to actually win anything, but just wanted to share a bit of my experience here on perp, a different view.
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