Police Suggestion Stimpacks on duty

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Brief description of idea: Disallow stimpacks/put them into temp storage when going on-duty as a cop, and raise the number of service issued simpacks.

As the PD is a gov job, people shouldn't be using their own usable resources to gain advantage on duty. It is also annoying for people who always carry simpacks, because when they don't want to use their own, they have to pay additional attention to resupplying them, in order not to use their own ones.

The number of service issued stimpacks has to be risen(i.e to 5), as two cannot heal you enough sometimes, even if you have first-aid 8, not to mention people who doesnt really pay attention to leveling first-aid, and two stimpacks will do literally nothing.

What benefits would this idea have for the department: Limiting the advantage/disadvantage to fist-aid lvl instead of the lvl+number of private stimpacks. People carrying their own stimpacks at all times will not accidentaly waste them in pd. Officers who don't lvl first-aid and officers who don't carry private simpacks will have the ability to heal more/fully when dealt with a situation.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: As for now people carry their own stimpacks, so if the number will not be risen, they will not be able to heal as much as they did now.

Other additions:
I don’t think the police need more free stims on hand when medics are able to heal them and you can get a resupply of your 2 free stims when they are used from the NPC in PD when you are not busy.
Well, the medics are not always on duty, or able to respond, everyone will just go pd, and resupply the stims on and on till they are healed, and those who have hi regen genes will just ressuply armor and wait till full-hp. I think it is still necessery to have more at once, since you can resupply as much as you want anyways, but you need to come back to pd.
Well, the medics are not always on duty, or able to respond, everyone will just go pd, and resupply the stims on and on till they are healed, and those who have hi regen genes will just ressuply armor and wait till full-hp. I think it is still necessery to have more at once, since you can resupply as much as you want anyways, but you need to come back to pd.
From a balancing point of view, civilians must craft and/or buy stimpacks from other players in order to get them. It costs money ( albeit a small amount ) every single time they use a stim. Police officers get stimpacks for free and can infinitely resupply them when they are used up. They never have to pay for them, but this comes with the trade off of only being allowed 2 free stimpacks in your inventory at a time. However police can bring their own personal stimpacks from their storage on duty if they wish to have more than the 2 departmentally issues stims. Looking at these facts it’s clear that police already have enough of an advantage with the 2 free stims that are infinitely resupplied and the choice of bringing in more stims on top of the free ones. Giving them any more than 2 stims is only going to unnecessarily further the advantage for police officers.
As police officers pay is not even comparable to making money as a civilian, I honestly would put away the economic advantage this gives to officers. Using your own stimpacks will additionally make the pay difference bigger.

The stimpacks will be used only on-duty so it is logical, that the city has to supply them with proper equipment. This doesnt give any ACTUAL economic advantage, as you even said, that they can resupply infinitely, so there is no economical difference, if they have 5 on them immediately, or will just ressuply 5 of them, as the economical outcome is exactly the same.
I'd be up with throwing another stimpack to be available for use to at least help those with low first aid but also remove the ability to take your own stimpacks on duty. Because it is also ridiculous seeing a junkie head TFU (most who can afford stims) use 10 stimpacks after each encounter which would balance things more nicely IMO.

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