Stop being stupid

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If there's a shootout, don't stay nearby or run towards it. You break 3.4. Also, if there's a gun on the ground, And cops near it, don't pick it up, you will get shot.
You'd think it'd be common sense that'd you would run from a shootout, but some people clearly don't have that common sense and make it harder for both criminals and cops.

At this point, If you stay near the area of a shootout, and the raiders tell you to get the fuck away and you don't, they will shoot you and I don't blame them.
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Bruh I remember playing and having to tell you to fuck right off out of the area but thanks for the advice
sorry jimmy jackson i will return you that m4a1 in 6 months
So me being on duty as tfu during every raid means people break 3.4