you had your gun in passive and were running towards people with guns, that's called being bad at the game / not having game sense so his argument stands correct.
his guns in passive vs attack stance... armour vs no armour. Come off duty again R flex havent seen you since those 3 raids. Must have listened and gone to play minecraft.
@R-Flex you mean get a fortunate headshot on an armed guy with his gun in passive, as i already said, no point putting a clip in with no subtext, explain why you like it and how your experience as an officer has given you this state of mind towards your liking of the gun. As i think this may be hard say something about crosshairs, fire rate, bullet capacity etc.
@R-Flex did I say that? No I didn't, I said if you're gonna try and show a clip of you getting a kill then how about write something relevant to the thread so you don't look like an egotistical bellend.