Police Suggestion Stop classing Taser as Equipment

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Suggestion Title: Stop classing Taser as Equipment
Suggestion Description: Make it so you can have a taser and equipment equipped. It makes no sense that I can’t have a speed camera and taser equipped.

This would mean taser officers can always have it equipped and will make it easier to prevent lethal force being needed.

Why should this be added?:
-more tasy tasy less shooty shooty

What negatives could this have?:

What problem would this suggestion solve?: -Just a good idea isn’t it
As someone who would rather have spikes equipped rather then a taser, and who rarely sees the Taser get actual usage(Apart from minging around) due to the fact you have to sacrifice your equipment slot to use it. This would be great in terms of quality of life.
On the topic of the taser, please, for the love of of fix the taser and all its bugs.
>please fix taser and all of its bugs
>no bug reports
>doesn't elaborate

I am sure they will be fixed soon
I agree having to equip the taser constantly makes me not use it, plus smacking people with a baton is just way funnier because it inflicts pain and mental trauma :)

I agree with OP I never use the taser due to having to equip it first.
Or it could be equipped in the explosives slot, just like flashbangs.
No, im not choosing a flash or a taser, just make it automatically equipped like other pieces of standard equipment, there is no need for it to have to be "equipped" rather then just having access to it without sacrificing other utility or equipment.
I would personally like it to be equipped by default. But not sure about making it always-on, like the nightstick.
I disagree. I don’t walk around with stuff I don’t need equipped, I equip what I need before I go into any situation I will need it at. If I’m patrolling bazaar or other places on foot, or going into an arrest possible situation, I will equip my taser. If I’m headed into a situation where I might need to breach, I will ensure another officer has one item equipped whilst I equip C2 or battering rams. If I’m doing traffic duties I will equip the speed camera. This has always been something I’ve done and it’s never been an issue for me. QoLing cop this way isn’t going to do anything and there should be a skill aspect of conscious pre planning what exactly you’re going to need before entry.

Maybe allowing you to equip the equipment whilst running would be a simpler and more effective idea and this should universally apply to all equipment of this nature for civilians too (crowbars, Bobby pins, etc.)

Furthermore the taser being an equip-able item means it is accessible for the civilians who own it. Removing this could make it virtually unusable outside of police jobs. This would probably require changes in the code of the taser and the PDs taser whitelist system in order to implement.
Or it could be equipped in the explosives slot, just like flashbangs.
I would absolutely hate this. A good counter for the TFU speed nerf to make foot pursuits winnable is a good flashbang and taser combo.
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I disagree. I don’t walk around with stuff I don’t need equipped, I equip what I need before I go into any situation I will need it at. If I’m patrolling bazaar or other places on foot, or going into an arrest possible situation, I will equip my taser. If I’m headed into a situation where I might need to breach, I will ensure another officer has one item equipped whilst I equip C2 or battering rams. If I’m doing traffic duties I will equip the speed camera. This has always been something I’ve done and it’s never been an issue for me. QoLing cop this way isn’t going to do anything and there should be a skill aspect of conscious pre planning what exactly you’re going to need before entry.

Maybe allowing you to equip the equipment whilst running would be a simpler and more effective idea and this should universally apply to all equipment of this nature for civilians too (crowbars, Bobby pins, etc.)

Furthermore the taser being an equip-able item means it is accessible for the civilians who own it. Removing this could make it virtually unusable outside of police jobs.

I would absolutely hate this. A good counter for the TFU speed nerf to make foot pursuits winnable is a good flashbang and taser combo.
Civilians can have tasers?
Maybe allowing you to equip the equipment whilst running would be a simpler and more effective idea and this should universally apply to all equipment of this nature for civilians too (crowbars, Bobby pins, etc.)
Yes, that could be a decent alterntive, as that is a big reason why the taser among other equipment is never used, if you need to equip it on the fly, you end up standing still and letting the person your attempting to tase get further and further away, meaning sometimes this can result in their escape due to this.
Furthermore the taser being an equip-able item means it is accessible for the civilians who own it. Removing this could make it virtually unusable outside of police jobs. This would probably require changes in the code of the taser and the PDs taser whitelist system in order to implement.
Had never seen this, so good to know.
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