Storage improvements

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Main idea: Be able to filter items by category in your storage, and be able to transfer a custom amount of any item to and from your storage/trunks

Full description of the idea:

Basically right now if you have a big storage, it isn't particularly easy to navigate through, especially on 4:3. So I was thinking it would be nice if you could filter out items (either show only those items, or gray the other ones out) that apply to a certain category. For example being able to filter by weapons, magazines, illegals, food, materials and any other categories that may be applicable. The filters could be displayed above the right hand side of the storage UI and should be clickable (maybe just normal clickable text).

As for taking out a custom amount, you are currently limited to 1, 5 or 100. I think this is quite lacking, especially when working with vehicle trunks. Say you are purchasing materials for example and storing them in your trunk, right clicking transfers 5, while dragging will transfer 10 (or at times none as it won't fit). Therefore I think the right click function should be changed to bring a small drop down or popup stating how much you want to transfer to/from. This would make it a lot easier to transfer materials to and from trunks, and also for example taking out 500 drugs at once, rather than having to drag 100 at a time (and having your storage lag due to corrupted berettas).

An alternative to the idea above is a setting in the F1 menu which lets you set how much your left click, right click and dragging takes from storage for yourself, although this would possibly be tedious as you'd at times have to adjust it to suit your needs depending on what you are taking from your storage, thus the original idea above being better, yet more time consuming to add I believe.

Why should it be added?:

I believe right now it can at times be hard to navigate around your storage (genuinely sometimes I get lost looking for stuff), and so having a way to filter stuff out would be a nice approach to being able to take stuff out faster rather than having to search through (especially if you get new items and you don't know where they are exactly in the storage)

Having a custom amount for when you take something out is nice too as say right now I want to take 50 pieces of metal out, well I will have to right click 10 times to do so, whereas a faster solution would be to implement an option where you can choose how much you want to take out.


  • Able to access storage easier if you have a large amount of items
  • Able to take/input a custom amount of any item in a storage/trunk
  • Less time spent right clicking materials into my trunk

  • Menus on menus, might look a bit untidy, depends on what solution is used.

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