Sugavi - 2.1, 3.4,

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Georgia, United States of America
Your Steam/In-game Name: Garret_Pp | Garret Pierzchajlo
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Sugavi | John Sugavi | @Sapir Sugavi
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:66206546

Why Should This Player Be Punished
Here is the situation: As soon as I came on duty I noticed gun shots and an officer's life alert from Slums 4. This officer was @sG | Marine Putin (Spiro Putin). I geared up into TFU due to the heavy gunshots and then I was able to clear fully out the 3 other unowned apartments (Slums 1, 2, 4). Number 3 was owned and had blood and bulletholes outside it. Because of this I made a probable cause search warrant for the property as I had probable cause to believe they had hidden the officer's body there. I first went to knock on their door to speak with them and try and hear what they had to say first before just breaking down their door. John Sugavi came up from behind me with a shotgun and shot me down.
He should not have shot me down for multiple reasons:
  1. The officer obviously died in a different apartment and he should not have assumed I knew he or his friends killed him,
  2. He had no idea his friend had a search warrant on him,
  3. I was there simply knocking on the door without a battering ram or C2 charge on the door/in my hand.
Thus the user here broke rule 2.1 Play Realistically as people in a normal, real life setting would not just go and shoot police investigating an incident.
The user also broke rule 3.4 Putting your Life at Risk because unnecessarily put his life in further danger by gunning down another police officer in front of his apartment, risking more backup and an easier chance that police could link the killing to him.

Ok bud,first of all I was actually a part of the shootout and everything before you came,I was living inside Apartment number 3.
what you can see in this video is you coming up the stairs and getting killed,you haven't shew what was before that,you came and parked your car and came to outside our apr. you was saying stuff that I cant really remember but we definitely knew you was in the staircase and about to raid or something and waiting for the other officer to help.meanwhile you went down to your car, I sneaked into number 1 and waited for you officers to come back into the building so we can kill you . it was a kos plan from the beginning.
2.1 isn't even a thing here.
3.4 been broken with beneficial reasons,we had drugs inside,bodies,and as I said we killed an officer in our building. means also 10 years jail sentence and 10k ticket so its beneficial.
also,none of the apartments in the building was bought ,all of them was open and unlocked so its kinda obvious that if in 1 min we cleared everything up it went inside the owned apartment(the bodies),after you actually cleared the whole area and all of the apartments.
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Garret shouldn't have been shot as it is evident he has no prior knowledge to the incident that occured beforehand other than the life alert going off. It is also worth noting that Garret posed no threat at the time as all he was doing was just knocking on the door, so you could not be certain of what Garret's intentions were as a TFU officer.

User will receive a warning for 3.4
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