[Suggestion] Back in Time

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Middle East


"In Time, people change."
Topic: Going back in time, changing the date to 1974.

Short explanation (in notes):
- Changing the Server's Lore to 1974 placing us in a much better Roleplaying environment.
- Changing most if not all playermodels.
- Player Wipe.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Moving Paralake back into 1974 is a huge step that could improve the roleplay and opportunities greatly, driving not only a whole new playerbase, but bring back much more to come and check out the new Paralake.

I think that at times Perp becomes boring, it is always the same, modern day cities making money and get cars and guns. I think that the possibilities for roleplay and other things is low, which is also why most of the old members are not playing as much since it is become repetitive. Changing back to 1974 brings back the tension between the police and the civilians, including still yet-improving racial issues opening multiple possibilities like citizen riots and underground gangs. Also new cars and weapons.

Having a character wipe will help us indulge in many new possibilities for both new and old players and with a new lore that I am suggesting it will greatly modify everyones experience for the better.

Optional additions:
- New Laws (Will reform personally if accepted)
- New Rules regarding Riots and Organizations/gangs. (Will also do if accepted.)

Thanks for reading.
- Changing the Server's Lore to 1974 placing us in a much better Roleplaying environment.
- Changing most if not all playermodels.
I dont see the point of this, its a serious roleplay server right, which emulates real life. If we go back in time, we need to change ALOT (Dozens of cars) And reverse tonnes of updates. Everything would be removed since that doesn't exist in 1974. No police computer, no phones. It just won't work.
Optional additions:
- New Laws (Will reform personally if accepted)
- New Rules regarding Riots and Organizations/gangs. (Will also do if accepted.)

Having a character wipe will help us indulge in many new possibilities for both new and old players and with a new lore that I am suggesting it will greatly modify everyones experience for the better.
PERP isn't build for this, if you want old rp go play1945RP
This is a great idea, although i can't see it being accepted, I would love this to happen but it is far too much and would mean XQ would have to edit the map, re do the playermodels, and remove a bunch of addons for realism purposes, and you would have to remove loads of cars, although it would be very interesting, and bring a whole new community to perpheads.

I think if this decides to be worked on it should be a separate server, like PERPHEADS #2 and then keep this server, so you can pick which you play on, the community is large enough for it aswell, as currently it's hard to get in the server with 70 slots, with another server that would be a total of 140 slots and then it would be easier to get in to the server.

For the reason only that i doubt it will get added, i have come to the verdict:
Not sure about your logic here.

Short explanation (in notes):

- Player Wipe.

Having a character wipe will help us indulge in many new possibilities for both new and old players and with a new lore that I am suggesting it will greatly modify everyones experience for the better.

I personally, and I am sure lots of players will agree, don't think a wipe will do much other than push older players away. Most of the older players (Year+) have put hundreads of hours into getting where they are, for it all to be thrown away would certainly put me off.
I like the concept of it. But we've come a long way, and tackled numerous obstacles. The police department has just had law reformations. And why go back and redo all of that?
I'd support it if the server were released not long ago, but for me. It's a no.

@Fredy @StephenPuffs @Jordan
As fun as it would be to perfect my Peaky Blinders roleplay. I don't feel that a complete wipe would be seen in a good light by the community. Also with all the custom content created for the server I don't feel it is worth to start scratch on it again...
Not surprisingly - -Support
While this could be fun for like a 1 week event or something similar I do not believe that it would be worth the man hours it would take to create it. I would rather not have something like this permanently either. It would totally suck to have a reset and I would probably lose all my motivation. Also, this is not what I started to love, this is something else. I really like the modern RP concept that PERPHeads got going. This would be a thing for another server.

Because of this I will have to -Support this.
No please, just play mafia 3 when it comes out or something, we like it as it is, and garrys mod has limits, so does the developers, this would force them to redo everything, and I like the current perp, -support.
And as @Walker said, a player wipe would just put a bunch of older players of, I have 4 weeks of playtime, and during that time I have put a lot of work into everything.
Not sure what kind of moron would want to destroy the server, do you even have a brain in your head? Change the server to 1974, do you even realise how much work that would take? First of all someone is going to have to model about 50 cars so people would even have something to work towards. Jesus Christ some people are so thick in the head.
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