[Suggestion] Change to Rule 3.4

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add:
3.4 Putting your Life at Risk
Any actions taken by a player that may put their In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment or general well being at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion and for beneficial reasons.

This rule is specifically relevant to the violation of any In-Character law, meaning that murders, thefts, etc, are all expected to be conducted realistically;

A common example of an unreasonable risk would be for a player to murder a Police Officer in order to avoid receiving a traffic ticket. The risk involved with the murder of a Police Officer is typically grossly disproportionate to the benefit of avoiding a traffic ticket. Another example would be for a player to walk on the highway without a justifiable reason.

Your version of the rule:
Change it so that if you get away with the crime, its not 3.4.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:
I think this rule should be edited as I really hate not being able to kill in public (etc). To me it just seems unrealistic that i'm not aloud to kill someone in public as in real life stuff like this happens all the time and people get away with it all the time. They way I think it should be is that if you do something like that, and get away with the crime, no warning or ban should be issued for this action.

Do not get the wrong idea from this post either I definitely do not mean that if someone runs away from direct gunpoint, or pulls out a gun and gets away with it that they shouldn't get hit with the hefty ban hammer, I just mean that I find it stupid how you can't realistically kill someone without breaking 3.4

(In this one none of the murders were caught, all done by the mob, may I say again... in public)

I am prepared to be bombarded with Dumb's, but its my opinion, please leave yours down below.
But then everyone would be killing everyone in the CH and PD and just take a bugatti away?

I just picture myself mass killing in the city and everyone is just driving away.

Good idea tho.
This would conflict with the all known killing a cop just because he was trying to issue you a ticket. Having this rule in place would mean you could kill any officer easily and just drive off and congratulations, you just pulled off a crime and got away with ease for some minor law that you just broke (that is if you get rid of the evidence aswell).

It's simply there to preserve roleplay most of the time. People would usually just break the law for a minor thing that somebody did, knowing they can get away easily if they do it right. IMO this would not be a great change.
I thought u were able to kill someone with a reason in public? Say someone mugged you and u know theyre at bazaar and u kill them infront of everyone and get away, why would someone get banned for 3.4 if they escaped?
We should allow killing in public? I think you forgot where paralake is dude.

You need to consider CCTV, witnesses etc and not just go and kill someone wherever you want. What will you suggest next being able to set stores on fire because they dont have what your looking for?

You need to consider why these rules are in place and what the server will be like without them.
meh i see people killing people in bazaars all the time even tho there is a camera pointed at them but hey the mod said they can risk it cause dispatchers can see them but hey there is almost never an dispatcher online
Yeah in real life killing in public happens, but it doesn't happen in developed city with police and no murderer has a Bugatti and 30 people with aks, car bombs and grenades on standby. It's already aids as it is and we shouldn't try to make it more aids
Your version of the rule: Change it so that if you get away with the crime, its not 3.4.

I'm okay with this rule change actually, but it needs a slight edit. If you think you can get away with petty crime or public murder and then do happen to get caught by either friends of that person or police and die or/and receive a jail sentence you'd also get a warning for 3.4 ;)
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