[Suggestion] Change to rule 4.4

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 4.4 Road Crew Workers

Your version of the rule:
Typically, Road Crew Workers may not enter a crime scene if it has not yet been secured by law-enforcement personnel. Road Crew Workers must at all times remain within the impound lot, unless responding to a call out via the /roadcrew function. To impound/boot a vehicle, you must have been authorized to do so by a law-enforcement personnel. Road Crew Workers must inform law-enforcement personnel if they have repaired a vehicle that was damaged as a result of a crime.

Road Crew Workers may charge a fee of up to $500.00 for each of repairing, un-booting or un-impounding a vehicle.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: I believe that this current section in the rule is dumb and completely circumstantial that was included to prevent people minging as roadcrew. As just stated, people patrolling and minging is completely circumstantial and I believe that RC should be able to patrol and look for cars that need to be towed just like they can in real life. We have plenty of staff that can deal with people minging as RC however either way no one really follows this part of the rule. Additionally, I think we should maybe also remove the orange part as well because realistically speaking it doesn't make much sense asking for a police officers opinion to tow a vehicle that is wrecked, illegally parked, etc.
Pretty sure this got denied last time because people will just minge with it but I really don't understand how changing this rule will make any significant increase in minges on rc
The argument that there will be more minges doesn't stick to me, since minges already ignore this rule and/or drive like a rambo when going to a call anyway.
The job gets boring quite fast if you don't get calls, so why not let them drive around if they want. They can still sit idle on their station while playing some weeb game like osu! while waiting for a call if they wish to do so.
“Well Here I was about to drive against oncoming highway traffic in my roadcrew truck but turns out I must wait for a call out to do so!”
I think we should maybe also remove the orange part as well because realistically speaking it doesn't make much sense asking for a police officers opinion to tow a vehicle that is wrecked, illegally parked, etc.
i dont mind as long as you dont tow away cop cars forming a perimiter >:(
Peaceful demonstrations during the protest. Rc lives matter
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