[Suggestion] Change to rule 5.3

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: Rule 5.3

Your version of the rule: We've seen it and heard it over and over again. People mass raiding powerless people and they complain and are told to stop crying as no rules are being broken. New players joining the server and trying to get a grasp of the server only to be mass raided and shot down not only to earn nothing over a multiple hour period but to also lose what they have. They are told as sweaters they have no immunity and they have to make it up like the rest of the others. This disappoints them, severely. Some people leave the server because they aren't having fun, this is supposed to be a game and not a real-life financial crisis that has to be dealt with in a rough way. People have had enough and they've voiced their concerns but it is time to formalize this. I am proposing a change to the Raiding rule (5.3) in which people are allowed to go around the city and chain raid every single base they encounter because they have the power to. Mind you, in large numbers too.10 people raiding an apartment of 4, 2 sometimes even one player who is absolutely powerless to those people. This turns the server into a deathmatch instead of a roleplay server. Eventually, these people get cocky and decide to mass RDM because they can and get banned for it. With a pathetic apology a few weeks later they are swiftly back on the server and it is only a matter of weeks before these players get together again and dominate the server, severely and negatively impacting player's experiences. If anything the current raiding rule allows people to break rule 2.5 (Excessive Negativity) and there is nothing people can do about it. I propose changing the raiding rule to only allow a maximum of 4 players to raid or assist in raiding an apartment at a time and to reduce the frequency of raids, prevent these people from raiding any other property again for 30-60 minutes. Also, people of the same organization are barred from raiding other properties as this raid cooldown would apply to them too. People want this change, they've been asking for it for ages. A player even told me how they remember how Olsen was in 2016 and how it killed the server. Please consider this change and think carefully, objectively, and fairly.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:
People's experiences are severely impacted by this issue and the proposed change will help tackle this without eliminating the possibility of raids. Obviously, this idea is flexible as a rule change will majorly impact the server. So consider this carefully. People who are part of large, powerful organizations would be no longer able to chain raid which might upset them, inconsiderably so.

ADDITION: I wanted to emphasize on how overpowered the raiding rule is,

5.3 Raiding
Civilians are not allowed to raid, or assist others who are raiding, an occupied property more than 3 times in a 60 minute period, or raid the same property more than twice in a 60 minute period. If a civilian has died whilst raiding a property, they must wait 30 minutes after they have respawned before attempting to raid, or assist others in raiding that property, unless the same raid/rp sit is still ongoing.

Powerless people are allowed to be raided 2 times in a 60 minute period, and given the power of the organizations raiding, the people basing will lose every time and will have their time wasted. In 60 minutes, these organizations can split into groups and exploit this rule to be able to chain raid every base in the server and they win every time because of how defenseless the people raiding are against them.
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I want to rate fucking winner, let me @Samuel or I'm having the gsp knock at your door.

" Sorry but in my opinion, “Powerless” people don’t deserve to profit from drugs production if they are unable to defend their product. "

Absolutely perfect response.
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