Police Suggestion [Suggestion] Change to sections

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Professional Stripper
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Brief description of idea:

Currently sections look like this:

Sergeants can apply to become a lead section supervisor. Their duties are to answer questions from their section, provide assistance with complaints, provide training when needed and actively patrolling with lower ranking officer.

With the addition of Patrol and RTU trainers, providing training rarely occurs. Officers rarely ask for help with statements and I don't get many questions from my section. However, every month I monitor every supervisor and Corporal in Patrol's activity and Observation reports given as they are both excpected to be actively patrolling and giving OR's.

We currently have Sergeants with no section:

These are all also excpected to meet an OR requirement and actively patrol with lower ranking officers.

My suggestion is to remove the Deputy Section Supervisor rank's application and place each sergeant in a section as Deputy section supervisors. As these sergeant already hold the responsibility of having to patrol with lower ranking officers this does not change their responsibilities. In addition to this, I'm also contemplating adding that each lead section supervisor is responsible for making sure CPL+ in their section are actively patrolling with lower ranking officers and meeting the OR requirement command has set.

What benefits would this idea have for the department:

-More OR's
-More feedback
-More people patrolling together.
-Sections have more purpose.

What potential negatives could this have for the department:
-None i can think of
I dont see what thisll do really. You said yourself officers already dont ask for help, adding more supervisors won't change that. You also cant force officers to patrol with others, officers who want to improve themselves and move up will ask for patrols and ors, and they have plenty of resources to do that. If you want more ors to be handed out, think about introducing a mandatory 2 ra policy for supervisors and to be eligible for promo for all ranks.
Yes and a no. The issue is, a Sgt who's in IA can not have contact with the defendant I.e writing a statement therefore I think any CPL+ in ia should not have to be in a section.
I completely support this suggestion in many ways. I think as Command Members seeing the quality of OR's is important and we have already got minimum requirements in place so why not put those Sergeants to better use anyways by putting them in a section and getting them to assist with the Section Supervisors which are already in their lead positions. I feel as if IA should have different treatment but at the same time there can be measures put in place to stop people who are assigned to IA's from being in the same section as the defendant. There's plenty of Sections and plenty of investigators.
Primary command member would be added to the statement request anyway if you are investigating the complaint.
Was just typing the response to you yeah. For LSS command members are added (Primary Command Lieutenant) and for DSS their LSS is added and so forth. Have i got that correct?
I think this is a brilliant idea in the sense that by changing how deputy section supervisors work, more officers will receive OR's which then means people who work hard will be recognised.
I must have bad eyes, I thought your suggestion was to put supervisors in a position that wont change their responsibilities, am I wrong? Adding add'l resources isnt a negative, but it really isnt a positive either. I cant see how putting more people in sections will increase ORs being handed out, like I said before, if officers want to patrol they will reach out and ask for ORs. Again, if you really want to increase the anount of ORs handed out, introduce a mandatory RA policy.
The only problem I see is a defendant and an IA writer being in the same section and sharing a Section Supervisor. In that instance, I think the lead section supervisor himself should deal with the problem at hand.
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